Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Aspiring relief from various bonds of life and cure from bone fracture

Tiru Magaral Easwarar

Saint Gnanasambandar has sung 11 verses in his Thevaram in praise of the Lord of the temple.  One verse goes thus,   “For those aspiring relief from various bonds of life and attain their heavenly life, can do so very easily if they worship Magaral Lord surrounded by sages and vedic scholars.  My Lord’s hair style is like lightning rays on which Ganga flows with flowers falling.  The crescent moon is an added beauty on the Lord’s hair.”   This is the 7th shrine in Thondaimandalam region praised in Thevaram hymns.

A demon Makkiran was doing Shiva Puja when Lord Muruga destroyed Surapanma and other demons, thus escaped the wrath of the Lord.  He came to this place, named the Lord Makkiran, his own name.  In the years followed, it changed as Magaraleesar.

Lord Brahmma, after performing puja to the Lord in this place, planted a miracle jack tree that would yield one fruit each day.  King Rajendra Chola struck by the wonder ordered that one person from each family should carry this fruit on their head to Chidambaram to be offered as nivedhana to the Lord.  After the pujas, it will be sent to the king.

One day it was the turn of a Brahmin boy.  He thought that the king ought to have appointed his own men for the job instead of burdening the public.  He told the people of the village that he was a boy and could not bear the weight of the fruit and requested them to do the job and offered to take care of their houses till their return.  All the people left the place together to help the boy.  The boy thought that this problem will continue only if the tree existed and he simply burnt it.  He told the people that the tree caught fire some how and was reduced to ashes.  When the king enquired the boy, he said, “You made no facility for us to carry the fruit to Chidamabaram, hence, I burnt it.”  The king replied that the boy ought to have demanded the facility and ordered him to be exiled tying his eyes.

The king accompanied the boy while being taken for exile.  He saw a golden chameleon on the way which hid into an anthill when the king tried to catch it.  While demolishing the anthill, it began to bleed and a voice condemned the action of the king.  The king fainted.  The voice sounding again said that the chameleon was none other than Lord Shiva and ordered him to build a temple.  It may be noted that the size of the Linga in the sanctum sanctorum is just the size of the tail of the creature.

திருமாகறல் -Recite this thirumurai for cure from bone fracture, poliomyelitis, paralysis.

Thirumurai 3. 72

1. விங்குவிளை கழனிமிகு கடைசியர்கள் பாடல்விளை யாடலரவம்
மங்குலொடு நீள்கொடிகண் மாடமலி நீடுபொழின் மாகறலுளான்
கொங்குவிரி கொன்றையொடு கங்கைவளர் திங்களணி செஞ்சடையினான்
செங்கண்விடை யண்ணலடி சேர்பவர்கள் தீவினைகள் தீருமுடனே.

2. கலையினொலி மங்கையர்கள் பாடலொலி யாடல்கவி னெய்தியழகார்
மலையினிகர் மாடமுயர் நீள்கொடிகள் வீசுமலி மாகறலுளான்
இலையின்மலி வேல்நுனைய சூலம்வல னேந்தியெரி புன்சடையினுள்
அலைகொள்புன லேந்துபெரு மானடியை யேத்தவினை யகலுமிகவே.

3. காலையொடு துந்துபிகள் சங்குகுழல் யாழ்முழவு காமருவுசீர்
மாலைவழி பாடுசெய்து மாதவர்க ளேத்திமகிழ் மாகறலுளான்
தோலையுடை பேணியதன் மேலொர்சுடர் நாகமசை யாவழகிதாப்
பாலையன நீறுபுனை வானடியை யேத்தவினை பறையுமுடனே.

4. இங்குகதிர் முத்தினொடு பொன்மணிக ளுந்தியெழின் மெய்யுளுடனே
மங்கையரு மைந்தர்களு மன்னுபுன லாடிமகிழ் மாகறலுளான்
கொங்குவளர் கொன்றைகுளிர் திங்களணி செஞ்சடையி னானடியையே
நுங்கள்வினை தீரமிக வேத்திவழி பாடுநுகரா வெழுமினே.

5. துஞ்சுநறு நீலமிரு ணீங்கவொளி தோன்றுமது வார்கழனிவாய்
மஞ்சுமலி பூம்பொழிலின் மயில்கணட மாடமலி மாகறலுளான்
வஞ்சமத யானையுரி போர்த்துமகிழ் வானொர்மழு வாளன் வளரும்
நஞ்சமிருள் கண்டமுடை நாதனடி யாரைநலி யாவினைகளே.

6. மன்னுமறை யோர்களொடு பல்படிம மாதவர்கள் கூடியுடனாய்
இன்னவகை யாலினிதி றைஞ்சியிமை யோரிலெழு மாகறலுளான்
மின்னைவிரி புன்சடையின் மேன்மலர்கள் கங்கையொடு திங்களெனவே
உன்னுமவர் தொல்வினைக ளொல்கவுயர் வானுலக மேறலெளிதே.

7. வெய்யவினை நெறிகள்செல வந்தணையு மேல்வினைகள் வீட்டலுறுவீர்
மைகொள்விரி கானன்மது வார்கழனி மாகறலு ளானெழிலதார்
கையகரி கால்வரையின் மேலதுரி தோலுடைய மேனியழகார்
ஐயனடி சேர்பவரை யஞ்சியடை யாவினைக ளகலுமிகவே.

8. தூசுதுகி னீள்கொடிகண் மேகமொடு தோய்வனபொன் மாடமிசையே
மாசுபடு செய்கைமிக மாதவர்க ளோதிமலி மாகறலுளான்
பாசுபத விச்சைவரி நச்சரவு கச்சையுடை பேணியழகார்
பூசுபொடி யீசனென வேத்தவினை நிற்றலில போகுமுடனே.

9. தூயவிரி தாமரைக ணெய்தல்கழு நீர்குவளை தோன்றமதுவுண்
பாயவரி வண்டுபல பண்முரலு மோசைபயின் மாகறலுளான்
சாயவிர லூன்றியவி ராவணன தன்மைகெட நின்றபெருமான்
ஆயபுக ழேத்துமடி யார்கள்வினை யாயினவு மகல்வதெளிதே.

10. காலினல பைங்கழல்க ணீண்முடியின் மேலுணர்வு காமுறவினார்
மாலுமல ரானுமறி யாமையெரி யாகியுயர் மாகறலுளான்
நாலுமெரி தோலுமுரி மாமணிய நாகமொடு கூடியுடனாய்
ஆலும்விடை யூர்தியுடை யடிகளடி யாரையடை யாவினைகளே.

11. கடைகொணெடு மாடமிக வோங்குகமழ் வீதிமலி காழியவர்கோன்
அடையும்வகை யாற்பரவி யரனையடி கூடுசம் பந்தனுரையால்
மடைகொள்புன லோடுவயல் கூடுபொழின் மாகறலுளா னடியையே
உடையதமிழ் பத்துமுணர் வாரவர்கள் தொல்வினைக ளொல்குமுடனே.

Download Thirumurai 3.72 : http://yadi.sk/d/y70Fs-R89avYE

Civaṉ who is in Mākaṟal which has long gardens, and many mansions which have long flags and clouds and the sound of the sport and singing of the lowest caste women working in the agricultural tracts in the fields which produce abundant crops.
who has a red catai on which he wears a waxing crescent, Kaṅkai and koṉṟai which spreads fragrance.
the sins of those who approach the feet of Civaṉ who has a bull of red eyes will at once leave them.

acquiring beauty by the sounds of those who learn arts, the sound of young ladies singing music and dancing.
Civaṉ who is in wealthy mākaṟal where the long flags which fly high in the storeys of mansions which are like beautiful mountains stretch.
holding in the right hand a sharp trident of blades.
the great Lord who bears inside his caṭai which is murky and is like fire, water which has waves.
the acts, good and bad, will leave very much if one praises his feet.

in the morning.
Civaṉ who is in mākaṟal where the great sages praise him doing worship in the beautiful and famous evening with such instruments as large kettle-drums, conches, flutes, yāḻ and muḻavu, and derive pleasure from that.
desiring a skin as a dress.
tying a bright cobra on that.
smears beautifully sacred ash which is as white as milk.
the acts will disappear at once if one praises his feet.

Civaṉ who is in mākaṟal where on the streams which bring with them gold, precious stones with pearls in which rays of light stay;
the young girls and youths bathe in the water that is these and attain good appearance and purity of mind and rejoice start at once to perform worship by praising, in order that your acts may leave you, the feet themselves of the god who adorns his red caṭai with koṉṟai flowers in which fragrance increases, and a cool crescent.

when darkness leaves in the morning.
the fragrant blue nelumbo flowers with closed petals.
in the fields where they blossom brightly and from which honey flows.
Civaṉ who is in mākaṟal where in the gardens on which clouds rest, the peacocks dance without stopping.
who covers himself with the skin of a cruel elephant of must, and feels joy, and who has a battle-axe.
the evil acts will not afflict the devotees of the master who has a neck darkened by the poison which increases in its cruelty.

many great sages of many kinds of austerities joining with brahmins who are permanent residents Civaṉ who is in mākaṟal where they pay homage in these ways with pleasure and appear like celestials who do not wink.
those who meditate on his form, as having on the murky caṭai which spreads light like lightning, flowers, Kaṅkai and a crescent.
as their old accumulated acts grow weak it is easy for them to ascend into heaven.

People of this world!
you who wish to destroy the acts done in this births which reach you, when the cruel acts done in previous births go their own way without inflicting any sufferings.
Civaṉ who remains in mākaṟal where in the fields honey flows from the extensive gardens on which clouds settle.
being afraid of coming near devotees who approach the feet of the beautiful father who has a body on which he wears a skin flayed from the elephant which has a beautiful trunk and has the appearance of a hill with legs.
acts, good and bad, will not reach them, will go away from them at a distance.

as the clouds come into contact with the long flags, on the beautiful mansions made of white cloth, become filled with darkness and as there is no other darkness Civaṉ who remains in mākaṟal where great sages gather together chanting the vētams.
god who desires the knowledge of pācuputam and a belt of a poisonous cobra with lines on its body.
to praise him as the Lord of the universe who smears the beautiful sacred ash.
the acts will not stay with them they will at once go away from them.

Civaṉ who is in mākaṟal where the humming like melody-types by the bees which have lines spread on their bodies and drink the honey when the blossomed flowers of pure lotus, white indian water-lilies, purple indian water-lilies and blue nelumbo flowers appear beautiful, having unfolded their petals, is always without ceasing.
the god who remained without being perturbed, and destroyed the nature of iravaṇaṉ on whom the toe was fixed firmly to decrease his strength.
taking leave of all the acts from the devotees who praise the flourishing fame, is easy.

Civan who is in mākaṟal, who rose high as a column of fire not to be known by Māl and Piramaṉ who is in a lotus flower and who desired to know the beautiful Kaḻalkala of fine gold worn on the feet and the high crown on the head.
the four fires the fire in the hand, the laughter, the frontal eye, his holy body skins of an elephant, a tiger, a lion and a deer, and the cobra which has a jewel on its head and caste the slough, combining together.
the acts will not reach the devotees of the god who has a vehicle of a bull that bellows.

the chief of the residents of Kāḻi where there are many streets where there is fragrance and where the tall storeys having entrances are very high.
with the help of the words of campantaṉ to reach araṉ in the proper way;
praising him, and who had the support of the feet of the Lord.
the acts done in previous births and accumulated, will become weak at once, for those who know the teṉ tamiḻ verses which have the praise of the feet themselves of the god in mākaṟal which has fields in which water flows through the small sluices, and gardens where trees are dense


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