Friday, November 30, 2012

Basic in Prediction Making

There are various schools of astrology. What you are about to learn here are root fundamentals and universal. You cannot get more basic than this. This is all you will need for many years of good prediction-making.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to use the thithi

How to use the thithi

For most followers of Jyotisha, the day is reckoned by the auspicities of the daily thithi. Unfortunately, while this is a major part of the angas of classical astrology, its general use is oversimplified and almost useless for personal application. Truly, to use the auspicities of the thithi across the board for a whole population is a shame.  This reminds me of the same argument astrologers argue over the personally significant natal chart and general sun sign readings for the masses.

The auspicities implied by any thithi must be measured against the subject’s own natal thithi. The personal nativity is the crucial backdrop that all other astrological dynamics must be measured against. This is the essence that determines the personal significance of that moment for the native.

For instance, an auspicious thithi for a day may produce average results for one native, while it may bring optimum results for another; or, an inauspicious thithi might produce disastrous results for one, while it might produce mild disappointment to another. There is not just a type of experience, but also the texture of the experience. Where one subject might experience a loss, he might be psychologically relieved that it happened. Another subject might experience a similar loss, but his inner pain is many times more than the first subject.  And the “good” or “bad” interpretation of the experience of the day can happen in a combination of ways.

The thithi is a dynamic soli-lunar return for the individual. Unlike a solar return that is determined when the sun returns to the exact degree occupied during the birth of a native, the thithi is measured not just by the moon’s return to a certain spot, but particularly to the same exact spot away from the sun; which is always moving (relative to earth). I am amazed at how the ancients took the trouble to track and tabulate this meticulous soli-lunar relationship because the knowledge to do this requires precise algorithms.

Strange as it may seem, there is not much written on the precise applications of the thithi in spite of the fact that great importance is given to it as a major factor to determine daily auspicities for personal undertakings. For instance, a noted scholar produced a major 300-page work on jyotisha but devoted a tiny footnote to describing how to determine the thithi but hardly two sentences on its application. The general idea apparently, is that the soli-lunar relationship for any given date determines whether that particular day is auspiciousness or not, for that day, for everyone.

To determine the thithi of any individual, take the geocentric longitudes of the sun and the moon. Determine how far the moon has moved away from the sun in longitudes, and see how many blocks of twelve degrees that would have made since one thithi is 12 degrees of zodiacal arc. Imagining the sun to be the starting point for your measurement, the formula would therefore be simply:

(MN – SN) / 12 = x.R


MN = the Moon’s geocentric longitude
SN = the Sun’s geocentric longitude
x = how many thithis have passed
R = the current thithi

For example, Sun is at Aquarius 12dg 57mns, or 312.57, and Moon is at Mithuna 6dg 44mns or 66.44. Using the formula, this would be:

((66.44 (+360.00)) – 312.57) / 12 = x.R

The native was therefore born in R thithi.

The onset of the native’s personal thithi is a dynamic day to consider every month. It is a period when the system prepares itself for a new cycle; a point of change. The individual system recoups, repairs, re-integrates, and prepares for a new becoming. It is a period of rest before the next surge. For the coming of age of a young lady, this is initiated by one or more planets (such as Mars) that act as a catalyst or anchor that work/s with this soli-lunar relationship. During such moments of change, one should avoid expending energies in order to allow for better internal maintenance. It is a period of rest and reflection. These moments are crucial moments for more effective meditation for the individual, just as the solar ingresses are fertile moments for the earth’s own recuperation and meditation.

Each thithi is 12 degrees in duration. Don’t forget, that this thithi is no more just the moon, but it represents the resulting sun-moon relationship. These lunar days are at the heart of lunar astrology, and it is extremely relevant here to revisit some lunar basics. In the horoscope, when the moon is in conjunction with the sun, it is called the New Moon. When it moves away from the sun and about 14 days later, sits across the sun in the zodiac, it is called the Full Moon. Then about that same amount of time after that, it goes back to meet with the sun, and makes the New Moon again. And so the relationship cycle continues. The waxing phase is when the moon is moving away in front of the sun, before the full moon. The waning phase is when the moon is coming behind and towards the sun, after the full moon.

The waxing phase is when nature’s currents are on the rise. They’re maturing towards completion. During such cycles, you want to get proactive with opportunities and plans. It’s time to exert your will and put together resources towards making things happen. Deliberating in this manner during such a phase would allow you to get best results with just sufficient effort, and it would appear as if everything is made easier for you.

The waning phase is when the currents are winding down. This moon cycle has just peaked away, and the powers are receding. It would be time to slow down, to reflect on recent efforts, and to allow things to gestate before one gets into action for the next phase. Deliberating in this manner during such a phase would make it easier to remove the things you don’t need, with less pain. There would be less of a shock, and you would find better strength to prepare for a renewal.

Classical astrology suggests that based on the moon cycle you were born in, your life would take on the properties of the phases. Being born in the waxing cycle, your personality would be rising towards things and your intrinsic style or philosophy would be more proactive. If waning, you would have an intrinsic preference to take things more easily and your philosophy can be more laid back. You would have more things to contend with. However, don’t sum up a person’s life by just the natal lunar phases. One thing I have learnt today, is not to make judgment without a full study of the whole natal chart.

The following are the classic and general auspicities of the thithis:

Waxing phase
Waning phase






























The above red thithis, in both phases are inauspicious, and they are not recommended for any important undertakings. The earth is subject to this, and you are a small part of this earth. Your individuality is impacted by this, and your personal cycles have this as the backdrop to its expressions.

To begin with, the following is how you want to use your knowledge of thithis:

Know your personal thithi
if yours is among the black thithis above, then you are a +
if yours is among the red thithis above, then you are a –

To know the potency or personal auspicity of any future given day, do the following:

Determine the thithi for that day
if it is among the black thithis above, then it is a + day
if it is among the red thithis above, then it is a – day

Your weight for your judgment of the day will be as follows:

You are
Future day
Texture of currents for you

Strong likelihood that the currents will be on your side. Be proactive, and things will work with you, and for you.
You path will be set with challenges first, but things will work to your advantage.

Let things happen. Do not intervene. The currents are too strong against you.
Things look like opportunities to begin with, but would complicate matters.

There is more to be said about the thithis, but to practice good scholarship, you want to do the following:

open a fresh diary to track your daily events for the next 30 lunar days based on the above and make a faithful documentation with no bias.
Don’t worry about whether you’re psychologically charged to make things happen or not.
Just describe the events of the day, how you reacted to the situations (major or not), and finally, at the end of the day, how you assess the day to be a good day or not, and why you think so.
While this exercise should be solely based on the lunar day alone, you may want to make a note of any significant transits on any particular day for subsequent study.
Try very hard to do this for twelve months.

This single piece of work will give you years of pleasurable study and observation. You will find that there is so much more to observe, and yet there is more than sufficient material to reveal patterns in your life. I would be extremely happy if you would send me your own writings and observation on this astrological exercise. If you feel you need guidance on this, kindly email me, and I’ll see how I can help you the best way I can.

Ascendant - Lagna

The Ascendant

This is about the single most important part of the astrologer’s work. The ascendant is the riveting point that makes the difference in the analysis of the chart.

Opposed to what most people believe, the ascendant alone does not make for the wholeness of the person. For instance, just because a person’s Rising Sign or Ascendant is Taurus, does not mean his behavior and life experiences will be neatly packaged in a typical Taurus nutshell. This is the first assumption that many students of astrology make. In fact, I implore all of my students to divorce themselves from this misconception. It is a major untruth that gives astrology a bad name because it oversimplifies things the way astrology offers its truth. 

What you want to do is to take a few steps back and see the chart as a whole. Never zoom in too deep and miss out on what the other positions and configurations have to offer in the making of the subject’s life experiences. Every sign will play a role in the subject’s life, just as every planet would also give its own results.

No single sign tells the whole story of a person’s whole life. Rather, what tells would be the FOCUS of certain variables on some other factors and the intensities of their relationships. This can be a single strong position, or a strong unique relationship between two or more planets bearing on a certain house, or happening in a certain sign.

In the case above, the ascendant is Cancer. But to immediately start talking too much about his being a Cancer would be very wide off the mark. Experience tells us that for our case, you should immediately talk about his Capricorn issues because there is a major “presence” or focus in that part of the zodiac. It would be astrologically logical for his life events to “come through” Capricornian issues. As I have taught in my predictive classes, if at all you want to focus on “significant” issues in his life, you would want to “zoom in” on the Capricorn “presence” rather than his meager Cancer “contribution”.

But one of the most significant dangers a wrong ascendant placement can do is the shift of planetary rulerships. For instance, with his Cancer ascendant, Sun is the ruler of his 2nd house. That makes Sun the significator of his personal finances. So the astrologer works with that in mind, making subsequent analyses based on that premise. But if his ascendant was placed in Gemini instead, then the 2nd house would be Cancer, and the ruler of Cancer, the Moon, would be the ruler of his personal finances. Moon as the ruler of the 2nd, and Sun as ruler of the 2nd produce totally different astrological results because each has its own character and plays a different role when becoming rulers over certain houses.

I know of astrologers who take the ascendant flippantly, and I cannot regard them as serious practitioners. Astrology begins as a calculative science which every student must have serious regard for. It begins with the construction of the horoscope, and that part of it is a very objective science that the novice must commit to.

There two method  to calculate the ascendant. Two methods; the Local Sidereal Time method, and the Sunrise method.

The Local Sidereal Time method is currently about the most popular method. The sidereal time is given daily in the Ephemeris, based on Greenwich Mid Night. You may consider that as 8 hrs Malaysian Standard Time and do your calculations from there like how I would typically do it.

Then there is the Sunrise method. The results between the ascendant derived out of using the LST method and this Sunrise method will usually vary between 2 to 4 degrees. Till today, I use both methods and enjoy seeing the difference between the two and how it produces any difference in my analysis for the case, if at all. In most cases, a difference in nakshatra placement produces a different reading and the experience of the subject can tell you which reading is off track. If I had just stuck to the rasis, I couldn’t have seen the difference. But the nakshatras and their subsequent subs reveal a lot more than what is obvious at the superficial rasi level. This Sunrise method was advocated by the great father of Hindu astrology himself, the Maharishi Parasara. I have humbly gotten positive results with its use especially for cases closer to the equator. What I like about this method is that it’s less cumbersome. You just take the appropriate Sun’s longitude, do minimal working, and you’re there with the ascendant. It’s always good to keep in mind what differences there can be. That scholastic mindset can be a saving factor somewhere in the future. Experiment, enjoy, and share.

Note: Please don’t forget that with these tools, your final ascendant is Sayana (tropical zodiac). To get them down to the Nirayana (sidereal zodiac) which eastern practitioners use for predictive purposes, you would have to reduce your result by the Ayanamsa. So, Sayana ASCendant – Ayanamsa = Nirayana ASCendant.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Days of the Week and the Course of Breath

Tantra's 3.16 
рооூрой்ро▒ாроо் родрои்родிро░роо் - 16. ро╡ாро░ роЪро░роо்

Thirumanthiram on Vara's
рокாроЯро▓் роОрог் : 791
ро╡ெро│்ро│ிро╡ெрог் родிроЩ்роХро│் ро╡ிро│роЩ்роХுроо் рокுродрой்роЗроЯроо்
роТро│்ро│ிроп роорои்родрой் роЗро░ро╡ிроЪெро╡் ро╡ாроп்ро╡ро▓роо்
ро╡ро│்ро│ிроп рокொрой்ройே ро╡ро│ро░ுроо் рокிро▒ைропிроЯроо்
родெро│்ро│ிроп родேроп்рокிро▒ை родாрой்ро╡ро▓ рооாрооே. 

Days of the Week and the Course of Breath Through Left and Right Nadis

On Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays,
Prana dominates in the nadi that is to left;
On Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays
It courses high in the right;
On Thursdays
Prana flows in the left
In the waxing moon`s fortnight;
And in the right in the waning moon`s fortnight.

рокாроЯро▓் роОрог் : 792
ро╡ெро│்ро│ிро╡ெрог் родிроЩ்роХро│் ро╡ிро│роЩ்роХுроо் рокுродрой்рооூрой்ро▒ுроо்
родро│்ро│ி роЗроЯрод்родே родропроЩ்роХுрооே ропாрооாроХிро▓்
роТро│்ро│ிроп роХாропрод்родுроХ் роХூрой рооிро▓ைропெрой்ро▒ு
ро╡ро│்ро│ро▓் роироороХ்роХு роороХிро┤்рои்родுро░ைрод் родாройே. 

Breath Rhythm For Glowing Health

If on Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays,
Breathing dominates in nostril left,
The body will no harm know
And it will in health glow;
Thus did Lord Nandi tell us,
In manner delectable.

рокாроЯро▓் роОрог் : 793
роЪெро╡்ро╡ாроп் ро╡ிропாро┤роо் роЪройிроЮாропி ро▒ேроОрой்ройுроо்
роЗро╡்ро╡ா ро▒ро▒ிроХிрой்ро▒ ропோроХி роЗро▒ைро╡ройே
роТро╡்ро╡ாрод ро╡ாропு ро╡ро▓род்родுрок் рокுро░ிропро╡ிроЯ்
роЯро╡்ро╡ா ро▒ро▒ிро╡ாро░்роХ்роХро╡் ро╡ாройрои்род рооாрооே.  

Yogi Corrects the Breath Rhythm

Contra, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays Breath flows high on the nostril right;
The Yogi who knows this is God indeed;
If this rhythm in the days stated
Does obtain not,
Let the Yogi force it into nostril right by skill subtle;
Then shall he know nothing but joy.

рокாроЯро▓் роОрог் : 794
рооாро▒ி ро╡ро░ுроо்роЗро░ு рокாро▓்роородி ро╡ெроп்ропро╡рой்
роПро▒ி роЗро┤ிропுроо் роЗроЯைрокிроЩ் роХро▓ைропிроЯை
роКро▒ுроо் роЙропிро░்роироЯு ро╡ேроЙропிро░் роЙроХ்роХிро░роо்
родேро▒ி роЕро▒ிрооிрой் родெро░ிрои்родு родெро│ிрои்родே.  

Changing Rhythm on Sundays and Mondays in Alternate Fortnights

If on a Sunday in a fortnight
The breath runs high on the right nostril,
In the fortnight next it runs high on the left;
If on a Monday in a fortnight
The breath runs high on the left nostril
In the fortnight next it runs low on the right;
Thus do they alternate from fortnight to fortnight
If this rhythm thus obtains,
Prana its strength derives;
Know well this 
And accordingly regulate breathing.

рокாроЯро▓் роОрог் : 795
роЙродிрод்родு ро╡ро▓род்родிроЯроо் рокோроХிрой்ро▒ рокோродு
роЕродிро░்род்родроЮ்роЪி роУроЯுрод ро▓ாроо்роЕроХрой் ро▒ாро░ுроо்
роЙродிрод்родродு ро╡ேрооிроХ роУроЯிроЯு рооாроХிро▓்
роЙродிрод்род роЗро░ாроЪி ропுрогро░்рои்родுроХொро│் роЙро▒்ро▒ே.  

How to Regulate When Breath Rhythm Changes Course

The breath that rises in the Nadi Right
While its course into the Left changed
May a sudden jolt know
And in fear trembling flow;
Then leave the practice and rest a while;
If on the Right itself it flows
Faster than in rhythm appropriate
Then know the speed and suitably regulate.

рокாроЯро▓் роОрог் : 796
роироЯுро╡ுроиிро▓் ро▓ாрооро▓் роЗроЯроо்ро╡ро▓роо் роУроЯி
роЕроЯுроХிрой்ро▒ ро╡ாропுро╡ை роЕрои்родрогрой் роХூроЯி
ропிроЯுроХிрой்ро▒ ро╡ாро▒ுроЪெрой் ро▒ிрой்рокрогி роЪேро░
рооுроЯிроХிрой்ро▒ родீрокрод்родிрой் рооுрой்ройுрог்роЯெрой் ро▒ாройே.

Yogi Who Regulates Breath Will See Finite Light

The Prana runs helter-skelter
To Right and to Left;
If Yogi gathers it proper
And regulates to reach Kundalini,
He shall stand before the Infinite Light;
Thus He said, Nandi Holy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lord of Siva Loka

Thirumurai 8.30
родிро░ுро╡ாроЪроХроо்-родிро░ுроХ்роХро┤ுроХ்роХுрой்ро▒рок் рокродிроХроо்

1. рокிрогроХ்роХி ро▓ாродрокெ ро░ுрои்родு ро▒ைрок்рокெро░ு
    рооாрой்роЙрой் роиாроороЩ்роХро│் рокேроЪுро╡ாро░்роХ்
роХிрогроХ்роХி ро▓ாродродோро░் роЗрой்рок рооேро╡ро░ுрои்
    родுрой்рок рооேродுроЯைрод் родெроо்рокிро░ாрой்
роЙрогроХ்роХி ро▓ாродродோро░் ро╡ிрод்родு рооேро▓்ро╡ிро│ை
    ропாрооро▓் роОрой்ро╡ிройை роТрод்родрокிрой்
роХрогроХ்роХி ро▓ாрод்родிро░ுроХ் роХோро▓роо் роиீро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯி ройாроп்роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

2. рокிроЯ்роЯு роиேро░்рокроЯ роорог்роЪு роорои்род
    рокெро░ுрои்родு ро▒ைрок்рокெро░ுроо் рокிрод்родройே
роЪроЯ்роЯ роиேро░்рокроЯ ро╡рои்родி ро▓ாрод
    роЪро┤роХ்роХ ройேрой்роЙройைроЪ் роЪாро░்рои்родிро▓ேрой்
роЪிроЯ்роЯ ройேроЪிро╡ ро▓ோроХ ройேроЪிро▒ு
    роиாропி ройுроЩ்роХроЯை ропாропро╡ெроЩ்
роХроЯ்роЯ ройேройைропுроо் роЖроЯ்роХொро│் ро╡ாрой்ро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯி ройாроп்роХ்роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

3. рооро▓роЩ்роХி ройேрой்роХрог்рогிрой் роиீро░ை рооாро▒்ро▒ி
    рооро▓роЩ்роХெ роЯுрод்род рокெро░ுрои்родுро▒ை
ро╡ிро▓роЩ்роХி ройேрой்ро╡ிройைроХ் роХேроЯ ройேрой்роЗройி
    рооேро▓்ро╡ி ро│ைро╡ родро▒ிрои்родிро▓ேрой்
роЗро▓роЩ்роХு роХிрой்ро▒роиிрой் роЪேро╡ роЯிроХро│்
    роЗро░рог்роЯுроо் ро╡ைрок்рокிроЯ рооிрой்ро▒ிропே
роХро▓роЩ்роХி ройேрой்роХро▓роЩ் роХாрооро▓ே ро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯி ройாроп்роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

4. рокூрогொ рогாродродொ ро░рой்рокு рокூрог்роЯு
    рокொро░ுрои்родி роиாро│்родொро▒ுроо் рокோро▒்ро▒ро╡ுроо்
роиாрогொ рогாродродொро░் роиாрогроо் роОроп்родி
    роироЯுроХ்роХроЯ ро▓ுро│் роЕро┤ுрои்родி роиாрой்
рокேрогொ рогாродрокெ ро░ுрои்родுро▒ைрок்рокெро░ுрои்
    родோрогி рокро▒்ро▒ி ропுроХைрод்родро▓ுроЩ்
роХாрогொ рогாрод்родிро░ுроХ் роХோро▓роо் роиீро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯி ройாроп்роХ்роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

5. роХோро▓ рооேройிро╡ ро░ாроХ рооேроХுрог
    рооாроо்рокெ ро░ுрои்родுро▒ைроХ் роХொрог்роЯро▓ே
роЪீро▓ рооேродுроо் роЕро▒ிрои்родி ро▓ாродроОрой்
    роЪிрои்родை ро╡ைрод்род роЪிроХாроорогி
роЮாро▓ рооேроХро░ி ропாроХ роиாрой்роЙройை
    роироЪ்роЪி роироЪ்роЪிроЯ ро╡рои்родிроЯுроЩ்
роХாро▓ рооேроЙройை роУродроиீ ро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯி ройாроп்роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

6. рокேродроо் роЗро▓்ро▓родொро░் роХро▒்рок ро│ிрод்род
    рокெро░ுрои்родு ро▒ைрок்рокெро░ு ро╡ெро│்ро│рооே
роПрод рооேрокро▓ рокேроЪ роиீроОройை
    роПродி ро▓ாро░்рооுройроо் роОрой்роЪெроп்родாроп்
роЪாродро▓் роЪாродро▓்рокொро▓் ро▓ாрооை ропро▒்ро▒
    родройிроЪ்роЪ ро░рог்роЪро░ рогாрооெройроХ்
роХாрод ро▓ாро▓்роЙройை роУрод роиீро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯி ройாроп்роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

7.роЗропроХ்роХி рооாро░்роЕро▒ு рокрод்родு роиாро▓்ро╡ро░ை
    роОрог்роХுрогроо் роЪெроп்род роИроЪройே
рооропроХ்роХ рооாропродோро░் рооுроо்роо ро▓рок்рокро┤
    ро╡ро▓்ро╡ி ройைроХ்роХுро│் роЕро┤ுрои்родро╡ுрои்
родுропроХ்роХ ро▒ுрод்родெройை роЖрог்роЯு роХொрог்роЯுроиிрой்
    родூроп்роо ро▓ро░்роХ்роХро┤ро▓் родрои்родெройைроХ்
роХропроХ்роХ ро╡ைрод்родроЯி ропாро░்рооு ройேро╡рои்родு
    роХாроЯ்роЯிройாроп் роХро┤ுроХ் роХுрой்ро▒ிро▓ே.

O God of Perunturai who knows no prejudice !
Unto them That hail Your names,
comes nought but peerless Joy,
grief having been extirpated.
O my Lord !
When I attained iruvinai-oppu that prevents The germination of the well-nigh indestructible seed,
You came and revealed to me,
Your form – Infinitely divine and beautiful -,
at Kazhukkunram.

O mad One of Perunthurai who carried earth receiving Pittu as wages!
a wrangler,
that conforms not To Your law,
would not attain You.
O salvific One !
O Lord Of Siva-loka !
the fiercely troublous one,
am worse Than a little cur.
to redeem and rule me You came and revealed Yourself at Kazhukkunru.

I was befuddled;
I swerved away from the Lord of Perunthurai Who annulling my malas caused the flow of my tears to cease.
I – the Karma-ridden -,
do not know what will betide Me in future.
Vouchsafing no place for Your radiant And salvific feet,
in me,
I stood nonplussed.
Annulling My bewilderment You revealed Yourself to me at Kazhukkunru.

Poised in such love – verily impossible to come by -,
Your devotees hail You daily.
At this,
I felt Ashamed at which Shame itself felt ashamed,
And I lay immersed in the mid-sea of misery.
Then I caught hold of the great float – Perunthurai Hard to obtain -.
and plied it.
You came to me And revealed Your divine and beauteous form – Hard to envision -,
at Kazhukkunru.

O One who came in the comely form of the Sow to feed The piglets !
O Virtuous Nimbus of Perunturai !
O Crest-jewel adorning my Chinta who am Unaware of aught of virtue !
As I longed For You,
time grew opportune for Your loving Advent,
and as I hailed You,
You deigned To visit me,
even as the world witnessed it,
And revealed to me Yourself at Kazhukkunru.

O Great Flood of Bliss at Perunthurai that blessed Me with ever-constant Gnosis !
What did You do That strangers should speak ill of me?
To hail You,
In love,
You conferred on me endless,
blameless And peerless Refuge – Your feet -,
at Kazhukkunru Whither You came and revealed Yourself to me.

O Lord-God who made the sixty four Yakshinis attain The eight gunas !
As I lay immersed in the sea Of cruel Karma knit to the triple hoary and puissant malas that cause Bewilderment,
You did away with my weariness,
Redeemed and ruled me.
You who made me feel Befuddled in the presence of Your servitors,
came To Kazhukkunru,
revealed Yourself to me and blessed Me with Your flower-feet pure,
in their very presence.

There's no God like the Great Lord Siva

Muthal Tanthiram 1. Sivaparathuvam

1. роЪிро╡ройொроЯொроХ் роХுрои்родெроп்ро╡рои் родேроЯிройுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை
роЕро╡ройொроЯொрок் рокாро░்роЗроЩ்роХுроо் ропாро╡ро░ுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை
рокுро╡ройроЩ் роХроЯрои்родрой்ро▒ு рокொрой்ройொро│ி рооிрой்ройுрои்
родро╡ройроЪ் роЪроЯைрооுроЯிрод் родாрооро░ை ропாройே.

2. роЕро╡ройை роТро┤ிроп роЕрооро░ро░ுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை
роЕро╡ройрой்ро▒ிроЪ் роЪெроп்ропுроо் роЕро░ுрои்родро╡роо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை
роЕро╡ройрой்ро▒ி рооூро╡ро░ாро▓் роЖро╡родொрой் ро▒ிро▓்ро▓ை
роЕро╡ройрой்ро▒ி роКро░்рокுроХு рооாро▒ро▒ி ропேройே. 

3. рооுрой்ройைропொрок் рокாропுро│்ро│ рооூро╡ро░்роХ்роХு рооூрод்родро╡рой்
родрой்ройைропொрок் рокாропொрой்ро▒ுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ாрод் родро▓ைроороХрой்
родрой்ройைропрок் рокாроОройிро▓் роЕрок்рокройு рооாроп்роЙро│рой்
рокொрой்ройைропொрок் рокாроХிрой்ро▒ рокோродроХрод் родாройே. 

4. родீропிройுроо் ро╡ெроп்ропрой் рокுройро▓ிройுрои் родрог்рогிропрой்
роЖропிройுроо் роИроЪрой் роЕро░ுро│ро▒ி ро╡ாро░்роЗро▓்ро▓ை
роЪேропройு рооро▓்ро▓рой் роЕрогிропрой்роиро▓் роЕрой்рокро░்роХ்роХுрод்
родாропிройுроо் роиро▓்ро▓рой் родாро┤்роЪроЯை ропோройே. 

5. рокொрой்ройாро▒் рокுро░ிрои்родிроЯ்роЯ рокொро▒்роЪроЯை ропெрой்ройрок்
рокிрой்ройாро▒் рокிро▒роЩ்роХ роЗро░ுрои்родро╡рой் рокேро░்роирои்родி
роОрой்ройாро▓் родொро┤рок்рокроЯுроо் роОроо்роЗро▒ை рооро▒்ро▒ро╡рой்
родрой்ройாро▓் родொро┤рок்рокроЯு ро╡ாро░ிро▓்ро▓ை родாройே.

6. роЕропро▓ுроо் рокுроЯைропுроо்роОроо் роЖродிропை роиோроХ்роХிро▓்
роЗропро▓ுроо் рокெро░ுрои்родெроп்ро╡роо் ропாродுрооொрой் ро▒ிро▓்ро▓ை
рооுропро▓ுроо் рооுропро▓ிрой் рооுроЯிро╡ுроо்рооро▒் ро▒ாроЩ்роХே
рокெропро▓ுроо் рооро┤ைрооுроХிро▒் рокேро░்роирои்родி родாройே.

7. роХрог்рогுрод ро▓ாрой்роТро░ு роХாродро▓ிрой் роиிро▒்роХро╡ுроо்
роОрог்рогிро▓ி родேро╡ро░் роЗро▒рои்родாро░் роОройрок்рокро▓ро░்
роорог்рогுро▒ு ро╡ாро░்роХро│ுроо் ро╡ாройுро▒ு ро╡ாро░்роХро│ுроо்
роЕрог்рогро▓் роЗро╡рой்роОрой் ро▒ро▒ிропроХி ро▓ாро░்роХро│ே.

8. роорог்рогро│рои் родாрой்рооро▓ ро░ோрой்рооுродро▓் родேро╡ро░்роХро│்
роОрог்рогро│рои் родிрой்ройроо் роиிройைроХ்роХிро▓ாро░் роИроЪройை
ро╡ிрог்рогро│рои் родாрой்родрой்ройை рооேро▓்роЕро│рои் родாро░ிро▓்ро▓ை
роХрог்рогро│рои் родெроЩ்роХுроЩ் роХроЯрои்родுроиிрой் ро▒ாройே.

9.роЕроЯிрооுроЯி роХாрог்рокாро░் роЕропрой்рооாро▓் роЗро░ுро╡ро░்
рокроЯிроХрог் роЯிро▓ро░்рооீрог்роЯுроо் рокாро░்рооிроЪைроХ் роХூроЯி
роЕроЯிроХрог் роЯிро▓ேройெрой் ро▒роЪ்роЪுродрой் роЪொро▓்ро▓
рооுроЯிроХрог்роЯே ройெрой்ро▒ропрой் рокொроп்рооொро┤ிрои் родாройே.

10. роХроЯрои்родுроиிрой் ро▒ாрой்роХроо ро▓роо்рооро▓ ро░ாродி
роХроЯрои்родுроиிрой் ро▒ாрой்роХроЯро▓் ро╡рог்рогрой்роЕроо் рооாропрой்
роХроЯрои்родுроиிрой் ро▒ாрой்роЕро╡ро░்роХ் роХрок்рокுро▒роо் роИроЪрой்
роХроЯрои்родுроиிрой் ро▒ாрой்роОроЩ்роХுроо் роХрог்роЯுроиிрой் ро▒ாройே. 

Siva Is Nonpareil

Search where ye will, there`s no God like Siva,
None here below to equal Him in glory;
Lotus-like, He, of gleaming matted locks,
Fiery in splendour, beyond the worlds, apart.

Siva Is Omni-Competent

Without Him, there be Celestials none,
Without Him, penance is not,
Without Him, naught the Three accomplish,
Without Him, I know not how to enter the City`s Gate.

Siva Is Divine Father

Primal First is He, older than the Co-eval Three
But the Lord is He peerless, unequalled;
Call Him ``Father, `` and Father He to thee
Inside you He flames in the Lotus of Golden Hue.

Siva  Is Kinder Than Mother

Hotter is He than fire, cooler than water;
And yet none knows of His Grace abounding;
Far away, yet very close to the good,
Kinder than the mother is He, of the flowing matted locks.

All Worship Him

Gold- bewrought, His matted locks fall back and gleam
Nandi, His name,
My Lord is He, ever by me worshipt;
But none there be whom He worships.

Effort And Fruit

Near and far I look; but around the Being First,
No other God, I see, mightier than He;
Himself the effort, and Himself, too, effort`s end;
Himself the rains, Himself the clouds rain-laden,
The Nandi- named.

Beyond Comprehension

Humans and celestials go after gods who pass away
They do not realize that He of the fore-head eye is the Supreme,
One-pointed in His concern for His devotees.


Mal who spanned the earth and Brahma the Louts-seated one,
And others of the gods fathomed Him not;
There be none to measure Him that measured the Heav`ns 
Transcending He stands, bestowing everything with a glance.

Baffling Quest Of Brahma And Vishnu

Ayan and Mal, His Head and Foot toiling sought,
Baffled in their quest, again on earth they met;
``I saw not the Foot,`` Achutha plained
``The Head I saw,`` Ayan falsely claimed.

Transcends All

Transcended He Brahma on the lotus-seat,
Transcended Mayan, the ocean-hued,
Transcended He, Isan, who transcends all,
Transceded He space infinite, witnessing all.