Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mars for success in land deals

The glory of the Lord of the temple is praised by a host of saints and pundits as Tirugnana Sambandar, Tirunavukkarasar, Arunagirinathar, Kumara Guruparar, Chidambara Munivar, Ramalinga Adigal, Padikkasu Thambiran, Kalamega Pulavar and Vaduganatha Desikar of Darumapura Aadheenam.   This is the 16th Lord Shiva Temple on the northern bank of Cauvery praised in Thevaram and Tirupugazh hymns.

Lord Shiva is a swayambumurthi in the temple. The five towers – Gopurams of the temple are on a straight line. The Maragatha Linga (Emerald Linga) is very famous. There are two flag posts-Kodimaram before the presiding deity made of silver and gold. Navagrahas the nine planets are generally in the front side of the sanctum facing different directions in Shiva temples. Here they are behind the sanctum on a straight line obeying the presiding Lord blessing the devotees freeing them of their adverse aspects, it is believed.

The temple is protected by Lord Bhairava in the east, by Lord Veerabadra in the west, Lord Vinayaka in the south and Mother Kali in the north.  The temple with its five tier Rajagopuram is facing west.  The temple belongs to Darumapuram Aadheenam of Tiru Kayilaya Parambara – descendants of Kailash dynasty.
          வைத்தியர் வேடத்தில் சிவன்

Devotees from all parts of South India throng the temple as Lord Vaidyanatha is the the Kula Devatha of many families.  People pray here for remedy from various ailments, boils, pimples and scars.  They get the special oil from the temple and apply them on the body.  As this is the place where Danvantri Siddha attained Samadhi, people pray here for relief from various ailments.

Many Siddhas in days of yore performed abishek to Lord of this place with nectar and gained many boons.  The nectar used for the abishek mixed with the holy spring.  18 theerthas are mixed in this tank which cures all diseases people suffer from.  When Sage Sadananda was performing penance here, he saw a snake trying to devour a frog.  As the incident disturbed his penance, he cursed them.  Since then, no snake or frog comes near this tank. 

The place is also known as Pullirukkuvelur. Pul means Bird-here the eagle king Jatayu the noblest character in Ramayana in the service of Lord Sri Rama, Irukku the Rig Veda, Vel-Lord Muruga and Oor the place make the name Pul Irukku Vel Oor = Puulirukkuvelur.

       முருகனுக்கு பூஜை செய்யும் சம்பாதி

The place is the headquarters of medical science that offers cure for 4448 diseases, it is said.  A medicine ball is made of the anthill sand, abishek water, veppilai the neem leaves and abishek sandal and abishek sacred ash.  Consuming this brings total relief for any disease.  Those suffering from skin problems get the punugu oil, apply it on their body for relief.  Lord Vaidyanatha cures not only the physical pains of the people but also cures them from the recurring disease of births and deaths.  He grants every wish of the people, jobs, wedding, children, mental peace, relief from planetary problems etc.  According to scriptures, worshipping Lord facing west brings the devotee the benefit of worshipping in 1000 Shiva temples.  Both Lord Aadhi Vaidyanatha in the entrance of the temple and the presiding deity Vaidyanatha are facing west.  Lord Muruga got His Vel weapon from this place only.  Lord Sri Rama worshipped here.

The place of Mars-Sevvai in the horoscope of a person decides his/her wedding prospectus and other living conditions.  Mars covers 7 years in one’s life.  For those facing adverse effects, special pujas are performed for solution of their problems.  People pray to Angaraka-Sevvai-Mars for success in land deals, freedom from debt burdens and joint pains in the body.  People do the prayers on Kruthika star days and Tuesdays undertaking fasting and performing abisheks offering clothing in red.

Jatayu Kundam-pit:  Jatayu the eagle engaged in the service of Lord Rama was killed when he prevented Ravana from abducting Mother Sita.  As requested by him, Sri Rama performed the last rites for the bird in the Vibuthi Gundam here.  A king, Veerasenan by name came here with his son suffering from tuberclosis , bathed in the theertha and offered sweet nivedhanas.  He consumed the nivedhana with his son.  His son was cured completely.  

As a beloved son of Lord Vaidyanatha and Mother Thaiyal Nayaki, Lord Muruga in the temple is praised as Chella Muthukumaraswami – Chella-beloved.   The Prasad containing items used in the Arthajama Puja as described above is an effective medicine for various diseases devotees suffer from.  Lord Muruga enjoys all prominence in the temple. Hence all festivals are dedicated to Him.

Pujas to Lord and Mother are offered only after pujas to Lord Muruga.  A 10 day festival is celebrated in January-February beginning from Tuesday.  28 day Panguni Brahmmotsavam is celebrated in March-April.  Of the Navagrahas (9 planets) importance temples in the state, this belongs to Mars-Angaraka.  Lord Muruga is facing west.  A medicine prepared with sacred ash, anthill sand and oil is an effective medicine for leprosy.

Lord Muruga is always worshipping His divine Father and Mother in the temple.  While the Navagrahas are generally seen in the front side of the sanctum sanctorum, they are behind the presiding deity here.  Lord Rama had worshipped in this temple.  Mother Thaiyal Nayaki ensures the welfare of the children.  Planet Angaraka-Mars blesses the devotees on his Goat Vahan on Tuesdays.  Medical students pray here to pass their exams with distinction.

 Moolavar           : Vaidyanathar
 Amman / Thayar :  Thaiyal Nayaki
 Thala Virutcham :  Vembu (Neem tree)
 Theertham         : Siddhamirtham
 Agamam / Pooja : Kameeka Agama
 Old year                 : 1000-2000 years old
 Historical Name : Pullirukkuvelur
 City                  : Vaitheeswaran koil
 District                 : Nagapattinam

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Thirumurai 2.43 திருப்புள்ளிருக்குவேளூர்

1. கள்ளார்ந்த பூங்கொன்றை மதமத்தங் கதிர்மதியம்
உள்ளார்ந்த சடைமுடியெம் பெருமானா ருறையுமிடந்
தள்ளாய சம்பாதி சடாயென்பார் தாமிருவர்
புள்ளானார்க் கரையனிடம் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

2. தையலா ளொருபாகஞ் சடைமேலா ளவளோடும்
ஐயந்தேர்ந் துழல்வாரோ ரந்தணனா ருறையுமிடம்
மெய்சொல்லா விராவணனை மேலோடி யீடழித்துப்
பொய்சொல்லா துயிர்போனான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

3. வாசநலஞ் செய்திமையோர் நாடோறு மலர்தூவ
ஈசனெம் பெருமானார் இனிதாக வுறையுமிடம்
யோசனைபோய்ப் பூக்கொணர்ந்தங் கொருநாளு மொழியாமே
பூசனைசெய் தினிதிருந்தான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

4. மாகாயம் பெரியதொரு மானுரிதோ லுடையாடை
ஏகாய மிட்டுகந்த வெரியாடி யுறையுமிடம்
ஆகாயந் தேரோடு மிராவணனை யமரின்கண்
போகாமே பொருதழித்தான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

5. கீதத்தை மிகப்பாடு மடியார்கள் குடியாகப்
பாதத்தைத் தொழநின்ற பரஞ்சோதி பயிலுமிடம்
வேதத்தின் மந்திரத்தால் வெண்மணலே சிவமாகப்
போதத்தால் வழிபட்டான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

6. திறங்கொண்ட வடியார்மேற் றீவினைநோய் வாராமே
அறங்கொண்டு சிவதன்ம முரைத்தபிரா னமருமிடம்
மறங்கொண்டங் கிராவணன்றன் வலிகருதி வந்தானைப்
புறங்கண்ட சடாயென்பான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

7. அத்தியினீ ருரிமூடி யழகாக வனலேந்திப்
பித்தரைப்போற் பலிதிரியும் பெருமானார் பேணுமிடம்
பத்தியினால் வழிபட்டுப் பலகாலந் தவஞ்செய்து
புத்தியொன்ற வைத்துகந்தான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

8. பண்ணொன்ற இசைபாடு மடியார்கள் குடியாக
மண்ணின்றி விண்கொடுக்கும் மணிகண்டன் மருவுமிடம்
எண்ணின்றி முக்கோடி வாணாள துடையானைப்
புண்ணொன்றப் பொருதழித்தான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

9. வேதித்தார் புரமூன்றும் வெங்கணையால் வெந்தவியச்
சாதித்த வில்லாளி கண்ணாளன் சாருமிடம்
ஆதித்தன் மகனென்ன வகன்ஞாலத் தவரோடும்
போதித்த சடாயென்பான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

10. கடுத்துவருங் கங்கைதனைக் கமழ்சடையொன் றாடாமே
தடுத்தவரெம் பெருமானார் தாமினிதா யுறையுமிடம்
விடைத்துவரு மிலங்கைக்கோன் மலங்கச்சென் றிராமற்காப்
புடைத்தவனைப் பொருதழித்தான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே.

11. செடியாய வுடல்தீர்ப்பான் தீவினைக்கோர் மருந்தாவான்
பொடியாடிக் கடிமைசெய்த புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரைக்
கடியார்ந்த பொழிற்காழிக் கவுணியன்சம் பந்தன்சொல்
மடியாது சொல்லவல்லார்க் கில்லையாம் மறுபிறப்பே.

the place where our Lord who has inside his matted hair coiled like a crown the shining koṉṟai with profuse honey, purple stramony and a crescent spreading rays.
and the place of the King for the two birds Campāti and Caṭāyu who could not be slighted because of their birth as birds.
is Puḷḷirukkuvēḷūr [[Today this shrine is known by the name of Vaittīsvaraṉ Koil]]

having on one half a lady by name taiyal.
[[taiyal: is the name of the goddess there]] along with a lady (Kaṅkai) who is on the matted hair.
the place where the great antaṇaṉ who wanders begging alms.
running at him Having destroyed the strength to Irāvaṇaṉ who never spoke truth.
is Puḷḷirukku Vēḷūr, worshipped by (Caṭāyu) who lost his life as he did not utter lies.

as the celestials who do not wink and who live in that place and perform other good acts, scatter flowers daily.
the place where Civaṉ, our great Lord, dwells with pleasure.
flying a distance of four kurocam and bringing flowers.
is Puḷḷirukku Vēlūr where Campāti performed pūcai without missing even a single day and lived happily.

the place of the god who dances amidst fire and who was pleased to use as upper cloth the skin of an elephant with a huge body.
is Puḷḷirukkuvēlūr which was worshipped by Caṭāyu who fought with Irāvaṇaṉ who was travelling in a chariot in air, so that he cannot escape in the fight;
[[Irāvaṇaṉ`s chariot is Pushpakavimāṉam]]

the place where the supreme light stays to worship his feet which are the ever-lasting abode for devotees who often sing songs of praise.
is Puḷḷirukku Vēḷūr where Campāti worshipped Civaṉ in the form of white sand with his spiritual wisdom, by chanting mantiram of the Vētam.

the place where the Lord who once gave out Civataṉmam, including aṟam so that the diseases due to evil karmam may not come near the devotees who are of several aptitudes is Puḷḷirukkuvēḷūr where Caṭāyu who put to flight Irāvaṇaṉ who come to fight thinking greatly of his might, with valour

Having covered himself with the skin of an elephant wet with blood holding fire (in the hand) beautifully the place desired by the great one who wanders for alms like mad people.
having worshipped god with devotion.
and having done penance for a very long time.
is Puḷḷirukkuvēḷūr adored by Campāti who become great by concentrating his mind on god.

the place where the god with a neck as blue as sapphire, grants his world to the devotees who sing music in unison with melodies, as an ever-lasting abode without being born again in this world is Puḷḷirukkuvēḷūr which was worshipped by Caṭāyu who fought with Irāvaṇaṉ who had such a long span of life as 30 million of years defying numbers and defeated him, to inflict wounds on his body.

one who had a bow by which the three cities of the acurar who were changed in mind being hostile, were made to cease to exist by being burnt, by discharging a cruel arrow.
the place where the god who is the spiritual eye for all, dwells.
is Puḷḷirukku Vēḷūr where Caṭāyu who was taught all spiritual wisdom and who is extolled as the son of the sun-god, worshipped the god along with people of this wide world.

god who arrested the Kaṅkai which was descending with speed and wrath in one of his fragrant matted hair, without wetting it the place where our great Lord dwells with pleasure.
is Puḷḷirukku Vēlūr worshipped by Caṭāyu who fought with the king of Ilaṅkai who came bursting into a rage and beat him and destroyed his strength, to make him perturbed in mind, on behalf of Irāmaṉ.

God who removes this body of bad odour [[god who does not create us to be born again]] who is like the cure for the diseases of evil acts.
one who performed service to the feet of the god who bathes in the holy ash.
the verses sung about the praises of Puḷḷirukkuvēḷūr by Kavuṇiyaṉ [[Nyanaacampantan]] born in Kāḻi which has gardens full of fragrance.
those who are capable of reciting them without indolence will not be born again.

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