Saturday, November 2, 2013

Remedy to physical diseases and mental worries are tamil mantiram.

Thirumurai 2.106


பாடல் எண் : 1

என்ன புண்ணியஞ் செய்தனை நெஞ்சமே யிருங்கடல் வையத்து
முன்ன நீபுரி நல்வினைப் பயனிடை முழுமணித் தரளங்கள்
மன்னு காவிரி சூழ்திரு வலஞ்சுழி வாணனை வாயாரப்
பன்னி யாதரித் தேத்தியும் பாடியும் வழிபடு மதனாலே.

பாடல் எண் : 2

விண்டொ ழிந்தன நம்முடை வல்வினை விரிகடல் வருநஞ்சம்
உண்டி றைஞ்சுவா னவர்தமைத் தாங்கிய விறைவனை யுலகத்தில்
வண்டு வாழ்குழன் மங்கையொர் பங்கனை வலஞ்சுழி யிடமாகக்
கொண்ட நாதன்மெய்த் தொழில்புரி தொண்டரோ டினிதிருந் தமையாலே.

பாடல் எண் : 3

திருந்த லார்புரந் தீயெழச் செறுவன விறலின்கண் அடியாரைப்
பரிந்து காப்பன பத்தியில் வருவன மத்தமாம் பிணிநோய்க்கு
மருந்து மாவன மந்திர மாவன வலஞ்சுழி யிடமாக
இருந்த நாயக னிமையவ ரேத்திய விணையடித் தலந்தானே.

பாடல் எண் : 4

கறைகொள் கண்டத்தர் காய்கதிர் நிறத்தினர் அறத்திற முனிவர்க்கன்
றிறைவ ராலிடை நீழலி லிருந்துகந் தினிதருள் பெருமானார்
மறைக ளோதுவர் வருபுனல் வலஞ்சுழி யிடமகிழ்ந் தருங்கானத்
தறைக ழல்சிலம் பார்க்கநின் றாடிய வற்புத மறியோமே.

பாடல் எண் : 5

மண்ணர் நீரர்விண் காற்றின ராற்றலா மெரியுரு வொருபாகம்
பெண்ண ராணெனத் தெரிவரும் வடிவினர் பெருங்கடற் பவளம்போல்
வண்ண ராகிலும் வலஞ்சுழி பிரிகிலார் பரிபவர் மனம்புக்க
எண்ண ராகிலு மெனைப்பல வியம்புவ ரிணையடி தொழுவாரே.

பாடல் எண் : 6

ஒருவ ராலுவ மிப்பதை யரியதோர் மேனியர் மடமாதர்
இருவ ராதரிப் பார்பல பூதமும் பேய்களு மடையாளம்
அருவ ராததோர் வெண்டலை கைப்பிடித் தகந்தொறும் பலிக்கென்று
வருவ ரேலவர் வலஞ்சுழி யடிகளே வரிவளை கவர்ந்தாரே.

பாடல் எண் : 7

குன்றி யூர்குட மூக்கிடம் வலம்புரங் குலவிய நெய்த்தானம்
என்றிவ் வூர்களி லோமென்று மியம்புவ ரிமையவர் பணிகேட்பார்
அன்றி யூர்தமக் குள்ளன வறிகிலோம் வலஞ்சுழி யரனார்பால்
சென்ற வூர்தனிற் றலைப்பட லாமென்று சேயிழை தளர்வாமே.

பாடல் எண் : 8

குயிலி னேர்மொழிக் கொடியிடை வெருவுறக் குலவரைப் பரப்பாய
கயிலை யைப்பிடித் தெடுத்தவன் கதிர்முடி தோளிரு பதுமூன்றி
மயிலி னேரன சாயலோ டமர்ந்தவன் வலஞ்சுழி யெம்மானைப்
பயில வல்லவர் பரகதி காண்பவர் அல்லவர் காணாரே.

பாடல் எண் : 9

அழல தோம்பிய வலர்மிசை யண்ணலு மரவணைத் துயின்றானும்
கழலுஞ் சென்னியுங் காண்பரி தாயவர் மாண்பமர் தடக்கையில்
மழலை வீணையர் மகிழ்திரு வலஞ்சுழி வலங்கொடு பாதத்தால்
சுழலு மாந்தர்கள் தொல்வினை யதனொடு துன்பங்கள் களைவாரே.

பாடல் எண் : 10

அறிவி லாதவன் சமணர்கள் சாக்கியர் தவம்புரிந் தவஞ்செய்வார்
நெறிய லாதன கூறுவர் மற்றவை தேறன்மின் மாறாநீர்
மறியு லாந்திரைக் காவிரி வலஞ்சுழி மருவிய பெருமானைப்
பிறிவி லாதவர் பெறுகதி பேசிடி லளவறுப் பொண்ணாதே.

பாடல் எண் : 11

மாதொர் கூறனை வலஞ்சுழி மருவிய மருந்தினை வயற்காழி
நாதன் வேதியன் ஞானசம் பந்தன்வாய் நவிற்றிய தமிழ்மாலை
ஆத ரித்திசை கற்றுவல் லார்சொலக் கேட்டுகந் தவர்தம்மை
வாதி யாவினை மறுமைக்கும் இம்மைக்கும் வருத்தம்வந் தடையாவே.

Download Thirumurai 2.106

Temple Puranam

by worshipping the Lord who dwells in Tiruvalancuḻi surrounded by Kāviri where big precious stones of pearls are deposited, uttering many times his names to the complete satisfaction of your mouth, cherishing him with love, and singing his fame.
in the world girt by the great ocean.
what great act of virtue you performed among the good acts done in your previous births!
my mind!
[[whether Campantar performed acts of virtue or not is not the doubt.
What was the special act of virtue to be performed to worship Civaṉ in Valancuḻi is the doubt;
that doubt is cleared by the words uttering many times the name of god and singing his fame is the act done by tongue, cherishing him with love is the act of the mind and worshipping is the act of the body]]

the Lord who protected the celestials who worshipped him by drinking the poison that rose in the expansive ocean.
and the one who has on one half a lady on whose treasses of hair bees settle.
by associating ourselves with pleasure with the company of devotees who perform sincere service to, the chief who had as his place valangculi in this world.
our irressistible Karmams have perished leaving.

the two feet of the master who dwelt in valancuḻi as his place, which were praised by the celestials who do not wink.
are capable of destroying the cities of enemies by setting fire to them.
protect his devotees affectionately at the time of disaster.
they come to devotees in response to their piety.
are also remedy to physical diseases and mental worries which are the products of confusion.
are mantiram.

Civaṉ has a black neck.
has the colour of the scorching sun.
the great god who sitting joyously under the shade of the banyan tree as the master, inititated the sages into the several aspects moral instruction, in a pleasing manner.
he will recite the vētams with the appropriate intonation.
we are unable to comprehend the marvel of that god dancing standing in the cremation ground which is difficult to dwell, to make the Kaḻal and cilampu to make a big sound, having rejoiced to stay in valancuḻi as his place which has floods coming perennially.

Civaṉ has the earth as one of his forms.
has water as one of his forms.
has the sky and air as his forms.
has the form of fire which has the power of consuming everything.
has a form which cannot be easily distinguished whether it is male or female;
has as on one half a lady.
he has the red colour like the coral which is produced in the ocean.
and does not leave valancuḻi.
those who worship his two feet will speak ever so many things about his greatness that he entered into the minds and thoughts of those who are affectionate to him.

Civaṉ has a form to which no one can compare anything as equal.
he loves two young ladies (Umai and Kankai) many pūtams and pēys are his marks of distinction.
holding a white skull which he does not loathe.
if he comes for alms in every house he is definitely the god in valancuḻi.
he has stolen my bangles with lines.

Civaṉ tells also that he dwells in Kuṉṟiyur, the place of Kutāmūkku, valampuram, and eminent neyttāṉam.
the celestials who do not wink carry out his commands.
we are not able to know the places in addition to these, which are Civaṉ`s shrines.
the lady wearing beautiful ornaments, faints when she thinks that she can reach araṉ in valancuḻi by going to that place.

Umai who speaks words as sweet as the voice of the Kuyil and has a tender waist like the creeper, to be frightened.
fixing his toe firmly on the twenty shoulders and bright crowns of the one (iravaṇaṉ) who lifted, catching hold of the Kayilai which is eminent, and extensive in area.
Civaṉ who sat (as if nothing had happened) with a lady who is as graceful as the peacock.
and our Lord in valancuḻi.
those who can always meditate upon him.
are those who will attain saluation.
others will not attain that.

Piramaṉ who is seated on a (lotus flower) and who maintains the sacrificial fire, and Māl who slept on a serpent bed.
Civaṉ whose feet and head could not be seen (by them) has a vīṇai of sweet music in his beautiful and big hand.
those who go often from left to right walking round the temple at valancuḻi where he resides with joy, will root out accumulated Karmams, and sufferings.

camaṇar and cākkiyar (buddhists) who have no intelligence.
do useless acts by pretending to perform penance.
they talk which is not right conduct do not accept them as true.
(People of their world!
) those who worship without ceasing the Lord in valancuḻi on the bank of the Kāviri of waves which roam about rolling upside down, and which has never failing freshes.
if we speak about their salvation.
it is difficult to define it by words.

on Civaṉ who has a lady as his half.
and the nectar that is in valancuḻi the garland of tamiḻ verses that were revealed though the mouth of Nyaṉacampantaṉ, the brahmin, and the chief of Kāḻi which is famous for fields.
Karmams will not afflict.
wishing for these.
those who learnt with music and those who were pleased to hear these.
sufferings will not come to them in the next birth and in this birth.

Greatness Of Temple
Devendra (Indira) came down to earth with Swetha Vinayaka seeking relief from the curse caused by his wrong behaviour towards Agalya.  He came to this place finally after worshipping various Shiva temples.  Lord Swetha Vinayaka, till then with Indira, wished to stay in this place for ever and prayed to Lord Shiva for the purpose.  Lord Shiva came before Indira as a little boy.  Indira asked the boy to keep his Vinayaka till he came back after worshipping Lord Shiva.
The boy simply put the Vinayaka on the floor and disappeared.  Indira could not find either the boy or his Vinayaka.  He finally found his Vinayaka under the Bali Peeta in the temple but could not lift despite all his efforts.  Indira brought Deva Shilpi (sculptor of great skills), made a Rath car covering the surroundings of the Bali Peeta and tried to pull Vinayaka to his place, but in vain.  A voice said that if Indira worships Vinayaka in this place on each Vinayaka Chaturthi day (occurring in August-September), he would reap the benefit of worshipping Him each day.  It is believed that Indira visits the temple on each Vinayaka Chaturthi to worship Lord Swetha Vinayak.

Lord Swetha Vinayaka is made from sea water foam.  Hence, no abishek is offered nor flowers, vastras or sandal placed on Him.  Only powdered Borneol (Pachai Karpuram) is sprayed on the idol without hand touch. 
As Lord Muruga has 6 army camps – Padai Veedu in Tamil – Lord Vinayaka has 10 such in India including the one in this Thiru Valanchuzhi temple.

Lord Vinayaka married here Indiradevi Kamalambal born of the eyes of Lord Maha Vishnu and Buddhi Devi born of the speech of Lord Brahmma in this sacred place, hence, those facing obstacles and problems in their marriage efforts worship Lord Swetha Vinayaka for reliefs.

With the graceful blessings of Lord Swetha Vinayaka, Mother Cauvery River began to flow towards Chola region from the Kamandalam of Sage Agasthya.  Kamandalam is a pot usually carried by sages.  Knowing that Mother Cauvery is flowing towards his kingdom, Chola king Haridwajan went with his men to receive Her with all honours.  While entering this place, respectfully called Shakti Vanam, She circumambulated Lord Shiva (Valam Varudhal in Tamil) and entered through a hole (Piladwara in Sanskrit) in the northeast (Eesanya direction).  Despite all efforts, the king could not bring out Cauvery.  He surrendered at the feet of Sage Heranda performing penance in Kottayur.  The sage came to Thiruvalanchuzui and prayed to Lord Shiva.  Lord Shiva through His voice (Asareeri in Tamil and Sanskrit) said that Cauvery would not come out unless a sage with Jadamudi-thick and long hair- or a king with such Jada entered into the hole.  The king was ready to do this.  But the sage himself entered the hole and made Mother Cauvery come out to benefit a huge number of people in the state.  Mother Cauvery came out from the hole at a place called Melacauvery near Kumbakonam.  As Cauvery came up, the place is named Melacauvery and Tiruvalnchuzhi as She came circumambulating Lord Shiva.  
Temple History:

The story of churning the milk ocean to get nectar with Mandara mount as the churning stick (Mathu in Tamil) and Vasuki snake as the churning rope is popular among Hindu believers.  Unable to bear the speed and weight during this operation, Vasuki spit its venom threatening total destruction of all worlds.  Devas surrendered to Lord Shiva.  He said that they began the work without worshipping Lord Vinayaka and advised them to correct the error.  Devas returned to milk ocean, made an idol of Lord Vinayaka with ocean foam and prayed to him and succeeded, thus goes the Sthala Purana.  Vinayaka thus made of the foam is praised as Swetha Vinayaka.  He is the Ishta Devatha of the Devas.
Special Features:
Miracle Based: Lord Shiva in the temple is a swayambumurthi. Lord Vinayaka is praised as Swetha Vinayaka as he is made of the ocean foam. 

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