Thursday, February 21, 2013

What is the benefit we get from this body ?

Appar Peruman gives the answer what is the benefit we get from this body (head, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, mind, hands and legs)

Thirumurai 4.9 - Thiru Angamaalai head,
Siva having adorned his head with garland of skulls, you bow down to the chief who collects alms in a skull.
my head, you bow down to Siva eyes,
having a vision of Siva who has neck that consumed poison that rose in the sea (Thiruneelakandam)
have a vision of the master who dances standing and swinging the eight shoulders (Nadarajar)
my eyes, having a vision

3. my ears,
hear the abilities and attributes of Siva, our master, who has a body color of which is like the red coral and fire.
hear my ears.

4. my nose,
make a sound about the Lord who has three eyes and dwells in the cremation ground which is the oldest; He is Ishwaran.
my nose, make a sound

5. my tongue,
sing songs of benediction about the master who dances in the cremation ground where peys live, having covered himself with the skin of an elephant
my tongue, sing songs

6. my mind,
you meditate upon the spotless Siva who has an erect and murky sadai
meditate on the husband of the daughter of the mountain on which the clouds move as if dancing.
my mind, you meditate

7. my hands,
you worships with your hands joined by scattering fragrant big flowers.
the supreme Siva who has tied in his waist a cobra which has a hood in its head.
my hands, you worships

8.what is the benefit we get from this body?
going from left to right round the temple of Aran.
what is the benefit we get from this body when we do not say you protect me
showering flowers with the hands, at his feet.
what is the benefit we get from this body ?

9.what is the use of the legs ?
what is the use of the legs when we do not go round the temple Kokaranam of beautiful towers
which is the temple where Lord with neck which has poison, dwells.
what is the use of the legs ?

10. are they any other intimate relatives
except the dancer who dwells in Kutralam when the god of death walks away taking our lives
are they any other intimate relatives

11. having reached the red feet of Siva
who holds a young deer, being counted among the hosts of bhutam and pey belonging
to Siva, shall I feel exulted ?
having reached the red feet of Siva

12. I searched within myself and realised
the god who could not be searched by Vishnu and Brahma though they
tried their level best to search and find Him out.
I searched within myself and realised

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