Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tamil Vedam

Thirumurai 3.67

1. சுரர் உலகு நரர்கள் பயில் தரணி தல[ம்] முரண் அழிய அரண மதில் முப்
புரம் எரிய விரவு வகை சர விசை கொள் கரம் உடைய பரமன் இடம் ஆம்
வரம் அருள வரன்முறையின் நிரை நிறை கொள் வரு சுருதி சிரவுரையினால்
பிரமன் உயர் அரன் எழில் கொள் சரண இணை பரவ வளர் பிரமபுரமே.

2. தாணுமிகு வாணிசைகொ டாணுவியர் பேணுமது காணுமளவிற்
கோணுநுத னீணயனி கோணில்பிடி மாணிமது நாணும்வகையே
ஏணுகரி பூணழிய வாணியல்கொண் மாணிபதி சேணமரர்கோன்
வேணுவினை யேணிநகர் காணிறிவி காணநடு வேணுபுரமே.

3. பகலொளிசெய் நகமணியை முகைமலரை நிகழ்சரண வகவுமுனிவர்க்
ககலமலி சகலகலை மிகவுரைசெய் முகமுடைய பகவனிடமாம்
பகைகளையும் வகையிலறு முகவிறையை மிகவருள நிகரிலிமையோர்
புகவுலகு புகழவெழி றிகழநிக ழலர்பெருகு புகலிநகரே.

4. அங்கண்மதி கங்கைநதி வெங்கணர வங்களெழி றங்குமிதழித்
துங்கமலர் தங்குசடை யங்கிநிக ரெங்களிறை தங்குமிடமாம்
வெங்கதிர்வி ளங்குலக மெங்குமெதிர் பொங்கெரிபு லன்கள்களைவோர்
வெங்குருவி ளங்கியுமை பங்கர்சர ணங்கள்பணி வெங்குருவதே.

5. ஆணியல்பு காணவன வாணவியல் பேணியெதிர் பாணமழைசேர்
தூணியற நாணியற வேணுசிலை பேணியற நாணிவிசயன்
பாணியமர் பூணவருண் மாணுபிர மாணியிட மேணிமுறையிற்
பாணியுல காளமிக வாணின்மலி தோணிநிகர் தோணிபுரமே.

6. நிராமய பராபர புராதன பராவுசிவ ராகவருளென்
றிராவுமெ திராயது பராநினை புராணனம ராதிபதியாம்
அராமிசை யிராதெழி றராயர பராயண வராகவுருவா
தராயனை விராயெரி பராய்மிகு தராய்மொழி விராயபதியே.

7. அரணையுறு முரணர்பலர் மரணம்வர விரணமதி லரமலிபடைக்
கரம்விசிறு விரகனமர் கரணனுயர் பரனெறிகொள் கரனதிடமாம்
பரவமுது விரவவிடல் புரளமுறு மரவையரி சிரமரியவச்
சிரமரன சரணமவை பரவவிரு கிரகமமர் சிரபுரமதே.

8. அறமழிவு பெறவுலகு தெறுபுயவன் விறலழிய நிறுவிவிரன்மா
மறையினொலி முறைமுரல்செய் பிறையெயிற னுறவருளு மிறைவனிடமாங்
குறைவின்மிக நிறைதையுழி மறையமரர் நிறையருள முறையொடுவரும்
புறவனெதிர் நிறைநிலவு பொறையனுடல் பெறவருளு புறவமதுவே.

9. விண்பயில மண்பகிரி வண்பிரம னெண்பெரிய பண்படைகொண்மால்
கண்பரியு மொண்பொழிய நுண்பொருள்கள் தண்புகழ்கொள் கண்டனிடமாம்
மண்பரியு மொண்பொழிய நுண்புசகர் புண்பயில விண்படரவச்
சண்பைமொழி பண்பமுனி கண்பழிசெய் பண்புகளை சண்பைநகரே.

10. பாழியுறை வேழநிகர் பாழமணர் சூழுமுட லாளருணரா
ஏழினிசை யாழின்மொழி யேழையவள் வாழுமிறை தாழுமிடமாங்
கீழிசைகொண் மேலுலகில் வாழரசு சூழரசு வாழவரனுக்
காழியசில் காழிசெய வேழுலகி லூழிவளர் காழிநகரே.

11. நச்சரவு கச்செனவ சைச்சுமதி யுச்சியின்மி லைச்சொருகையான்
மெய்ச்சிர மணைச்சுலகி னிச்சமிடு பிச்சையமர் பிச்சனிடமாம்
மச்சமத நச்சிமத மச்சிறுமி யைச்செய்தவ வச்சவிரதக்
கொச்சைமுர வச்சர்பணி யச்சுரர்க ணச்சிமிடை கொச்சைநகரே.

12. ஒழுகல் அரிது அழி கலியில் உழி உலகு பழி பெருகு வழியை நினையா
முழுது உடலில் எழு மயிர்கள் தழுவு முனி குழுவினொடு கெழுவு சிவனைத்
தொழுது உலகில் இழுகு மலம் அழியும் வகை கழுவும் உரை கழுமல நகர்ப்
பழுது இல் இறை எழுது மொழி தமிழ் விரகன் வழி மொழிகள் மொழி தகையவே.

to grant boon to him with the words found in the upanishads which are full of meaning and chanted in the traditional way and being in an order, Piramapuram which prospers by its fame as Piramaṉ adored the beautiful feet of the exalted Araṉ.
as the world of the celestials and this world in which there are human beings which have lost their might.
the three cities which have the protection of the wall of enclosure to be ablaze.
is the place of the supreme god who has in his hand an arrow of high speed by which the fire spread everywhere.
The stanza gives the reason for Cīkāḻi getting the name of piramapuram .

using the ladder to know the conditions in heaven and its city which could not be seen directly, to see hiding himself.
vēṇupuram where the bamboo was set up.
as soon as the Lord saw that the devoted tēvar were afraid of Kayācuraṉ Civaṉ standing having assumed the form of a strong male elephant to suit that form Umai of curved forehead and long eyes Having seen Umai assuming the form of a faultless female elephant.
possessing strength to make the acuraṉ matu to be filled with shame.
to destroy the evil acts of the Kayamukācuraṉ the place of the great Civaṉ who granted the power of bestowing boons of devotees, to valourous vinayakar.

in order to weed out the enemies is;
acurar like cūrapaṉmaṉ and others and to increase the virtuous acts as the celestials without equals in the enjoyment of pleasure, took refuge in his feet.
to be praised by the people of this world.
Having begotten the god of six faces the city of pukali which name this place got by this reason and whose fame has spread throughout the world, to make its beauty prominent.
to the sages who were fit to reach the feet of god which were like the precious stone found in mountain, which emits rays like the sun, and the lotus flower just blossomed from the stage of bud.
is the place of the god of six attributes who expounded all the arts of great expanse and expelled their doubts and clarify their minds by his benign looks .

all the people who weed out the mischief the five sensations of the fire senses which inflict suffering opposed to the right path, and who live in the world lit by the sun.
through the help of the cruel guru of the tevars.
having become clear in their minds that Kāḻi was the only place where their sufferings would be removed.
veṅkuru where the bowed before the fest of the god who has Umai on his half.
the crescent which shines in the beautiful sky.
the river Kaṅkai cobras of cruel looks.
is the place where our master on whose matted locks which resemble fire and on which the pure flowers of the beautiful koṉṟai stay.

in order that Umai may witness the heroism of Vicayaṉ arjuṉaṉ having disguised himself on a hunter of the forest and going in front of him and having begun the fight and having destroyed the quirer in which the arrows were kept and also the arrows which he showered like rain.
and when the bowstring was cut and when the bend of his bow made of bamboo was also removed.
being ashamed when Vicayaṉ began to fight with his hands.
the place of the prominent person who is an illustration for divinity having transgressed its function of being the boundary of the earth.
is tōṇipuram which is like a boat which is floating on the water of the deluge in which the world has submerged.

in order to remove the blemish that attached to vātarāyaṉ tirumāl who lifted the beautiful earth which was not borne by the heads of the serpent, cētaṉ, by assuming the form of a white pig, and who was always praising Civaṉ, when he worshipped god.
the place which was connected with the name of tarāi of great fame.
one who is free from disease or ailment!
one who is at the same time high and low things!
the ancient one!
Civaṉ who is praised by all !
one who is desired by all!
saying bestow your grace` praising him during day and night which is opposed to it.
is the city of the master of the immortals and the ancient one who is always meditated upon by all living beings.

when ari Māl cut off the head of the poisonous serpent which began rolling, when it was eager to receive the nectar, mixing with the tēvar, cirapuram where that head, was included as two planets in the row of the nine planets, as it worshipped the feet of araṉ.
the many enemies who were living in the fortress to meet with death.
the skilful one who flung on the fortresses which inflicted wounds, weapons sharpened by filing which were held in his hands.
who sits in the inner seats of thought of those who take refuge in him the most supreme god is the place of the god who has his hands in the posture of initiation into the spiritual path.

Having fixed firmly the toe to destroy the might of the shoulders of iravaṇaṉ who destroyed the people of the world in order to destroy tarumans.
the place of the god who granted life and a sword to that Irāvaṇaṉ whose teeth was resembling the crescent and who afterwards sang the great vētam in the proper manner.
in the presence of the hunter who came chasing the pigeon with a complaint for rendering justice which is agreed to by the vētam and the immortals.
to increase by the weight of his flesh which was less than that of the pigeon.
when it was necessary that the two scales shold be equal in weight is the city of puṟavam where the Lord bestowed his grace on cipi who placed flesh from his body, to equalize the scales, to regain his former body it would make better sense if the reading in the last line .

the munificent Piramaṉ to fly in the sky.
Māl who has a discus kept ready for use and who is held in great esteem.
by digging the earth.
to give up their effort of seeing his head and feet.
the place of Kaṇtaṉ who has a fame pleasant to hear and who is in the form of very minute things which cannot be seen with the ordinary eyes.
as the valour of ruling the world has left them the mean yātavar 2 to die by beating one another to go to heaven the good natured sages, 3 as the Lord removed the curse which attached a great blemish to them is the city of caṇpai.

the King ruling throughout the lower world earth to live peacefully free from the harassment of Kāḷi Kaḻi who wore a few strands of mekalai who was defeated in dancing  as she worshipped to the free from the faults she committed, the act of her received grace from god is current since many aeons in all the seven worlds is the city of Kāḻi.
unknown to those who cover their bodies buddhists and the wretched amaṇar who are like the elephants that stay in the caves.
is the place where the god on whose form the lady who speaks words as sweet as the music produced in yāḻ which has seven notes.

when parācara muṉivar cried aloud out of fear for the stench that attached to his body which he got as a result of having given up his austerities which became useless when he desired intercourse with the girl of the fisherman caste desiring the stench of fish, worshipped god.
the city of Koccai where the tēvar crowd together on seeing that, and desiring that place.
having lied the poisonous cobra as a girdle round the waist, having worn on the crown a crescent, holding in one hand a skull separated from the body of Piramaṉ.
is the place of pittaṉ Civaṉ who desires the alms which is given daily.

thinking of the way when sin increases and it is difficult to lead a life in the righteous path.
the sage urōmacar whose whole body was covered with haris, worshipped Civaṉ who was staying there, along with the group of sages.
the decade by name vaḻimoḻikal which was composed in the written vetam by ñaṉacampantaṉ, proficient in Tamiḻ on the Lord who is without blemish, in Kaḻumalam, in the world to wash the impurities of the soul which make one commit mistakes out of desire for material obsects, and therefore got the name of the city of Kaḻumalam.
are definitely worthy of being sung.
written vētam the tēvāram hymns are called Tamiḻ vētam .

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