Thursday, July 18, 2013

All good qualities will join them who able to recite this valuable tamil verses.


Thirumurai 2.98

1.வரைத்தலைப் பசும்பொனோ டருங்கலன்க ளுந்திவந்
திரைத்தலைச் சுமந்துகொண் டெறிந்திலங்கு காவிரிக்
கரைத்தலைத் துருத்திபுக் கிருப்பதே கருத்தினாய்
உரைத்தலைப் பொலிந்துனக் குணர்த்துமாறு வல்லமே.

2.அடுத்தடுத்த கத்தியோடு வன்னிகொன்றை கூவிளம்
தொடுத்துடன் சடைப்பெய்தாய் துருத்தியாயோர் காலனைக்
கடுத்தடிப் புறத்தினா னிறத்துதைத்த காரணம்
எடுத்தெடுத் துரைக்குமாறு வல்லமாகில் நல்லமே.

3.கங்குல்கொண்ட திங்களோடு கங்கைதங்கு செஞ்சடைச்
சங்கிலங்கு வெண்குழை சரிந்திலங்கு காதினாய்
பொங்கிலங்கு பூணநூ லுருத்திரா துருத்திபுக்
கெங்குநின் னிடங்களா அடங்கிவாழ்வ தென்கொலோ.

4.கருத்தினாலொர் காணியில் விருத்தியில்லை தொண்டர்தம்
அருத்தியாற்றம் மல்லல்சொல்லி யையமேற்ப தன்றியும்
ஒருத்திபால் பொருத்திவைத் துடம்புவிட்டு யோகியாய்
இருத்திநீ துருத்திபுக் கிதென்னமாய மென்பதே.

5.துறக்குமா சொலப்படாய் துருத்தியாய் திருந்தடி
மறக்குமா றிலாதவென்னை மையல்செய்திம் மண்ணின்மேல்
பிறக்குமாறு காட்டினாய் பிணிப்படு முடம்புவிட்
டிறக்குமாறு காட்டினாய்க் கிழுக்குகின்ற தென்னையே.

6.வெயிற்கெதிர்ந் திடங்கொடா தகங்குளிர்ந்த பைம்பொழில்
துயிற்கெதிர்ந்த புள்ளினங்கள் மல்குதண் துருத்தியாய்
மயிற்கெதிர்ந் தணங்குசாயன் மாதொர்பாக மாகமூ
வெயிற்கெதிர்ந் தொரம்பினால் எரித்தவில்லி யல்லையே.

7.கணிச்சியம் படைச்செல்வா கழிந்தவர்க் கொழிந்தசீர்
துணிச்சிரக் கிரந்தையாய் கரந்தையாய் துருத்தியாய்
அணிப்படுந் தனிப்பிறைப் பனிக்கதிர்க் கவாவுநல்
மணிப்படும்பை நாகநீ மகிழ்ந்தவண்ண லல்லையே.

8.சுடப்பொடிந் துடம்பிழந் தநங்கனாய மன்மதன்
இடர்ப்படக் கடந்திடந் துருத்தியாக வெண்ணினாய்
கடற்படை யுடையவக் கடலிலங்கை மன்னனை
அடற்பட வடுக்கலில் லடர்த்தவண்ண லல்லையே.

9.களங்குளிர்ந் திலங்குபோது காதலானு மாலுமாய்
வளங்கிளம்பொ னங்கழல் வணங்கிவந்து காண்கிலார்
துளங்கிளம்பி றைச்செனித் துருத்தியாய் திருந்தடி
உளங்குளிர்ந்த போதெலா முகந்துகந் துரைப்பனே.

10.புத்தர்தத் துவமிலாச் சமணுரைத்த பொய்தனை
உத்தம மெனக்கொளா துகந்தெழுந்து வண்டினம்
துத்தநின்று பண்செயுஞ் சூழ்பொழில் துருத்தியெம்
பித்தர்பித்த னைத்தொழப் பிறப்பறுத்தல் பெற்றியே.

11.கற்றுமுற்றி னார்தொழுங் கழுமலத் தருந்தமிழ்
சுற்றுமுற்று மாயினா னவன்பகர்ந்த சொற்களால்
பெற்றமொன் றுயர்த்தவன் பெருந்துருத்தி பேணவே
குற்றமுற்று மின்மையிற் குணங்கள்வந்து கூடுமே.

coming pushing precious ornaments along with yellow gold which is found in mountains.
Civaṉ who has the idea of dwelling entering into turutti which is on the bank of the Kaviri which is prominent, throwing on its banks, carrying those on its waves!
are we capable of causing you to understand our wants and desires, who has the name of Coṉṉavāṟarivār?
(How can we make you, who are capable of understanding, to know our wants?

you inserted into your catai by stringing bael, koṉṟai, leaves of indian mesquit, and flowers of west indian pea tree leaves placing them close to each other.
Civaṉ who is in turutti!
we are good people if we can repeat very often the reason for your kicking the god of death on the chest with the upper part of the foot, being angry with him.

Civaṉ who wears on the ear a white ear-ring made of bright conch which slides down, and has a red caṭai on which the Kaṅkai stays along with the moon which has night as its rightful part of the day!
uruttiraṉ who wears a sacred thread which has increasing brightness!
all the world being your places what is the reason for dwelling in turutti having entered into it and having shrunk yourself?

if we think about you, you do not even possess one Kāṇi of land to cultivate;
and no means of subsistance in addition to receiving alms telling the sufferings, because of the love towards the devotees.
being united with a lady you are a yōki having renounced the body, having entered turutti what a great deception this is!

Civaṉ in turutti!
you are not spoken as having renounced everything.
you caused me to be born in this world having confounded me who never forgot your feet of perfect beauty.
what is the fault committed by me to you to make me die leaving this body which is heir to many diseases?
(what is the fault that I committed to you to make me born in this world and die?)

Civaṉ in turutti where several flocks of birds are increasing in numbers and are in sound sleep!
in the verdant gardens which are cool inside and do not allow sun`s rays to penetrate into them receiving them on themselves the lady who has beauty and tenderness which is opposed to the peacock, being on one half -are you not the archer who burnt by a single arrow opposing the three forts?

god who has the weapon of a battle-axe!
who has knot of skulls separated from those gods who died, and are prominent!
you adorned yourself with fragrant basil (this Karantai is called Civakarantai) you who are in turutti!
are you not the god who rejoiced in wearing a cobra with hood in which there is a flawless jewel, which desires to swallow the crescent of single phase which has cool rays, and which is an ornament to you?

having become victorious over maṉmataṉ to undergo suffering, who became formless by losing his body when you reduced him to ash by burning him you thought to stay in turutti as your place are you not the god who crushed under the mountain, to kill that famous king of ilaṅkai girt by the ocean;
who had a navy?

Piramaṉ who is found of the cool and shining lotus as his place and Māl joining together were not able to see the head and the beautiful feet wearing golden armour, whose beauty is great, by worshipping them god in turutti who has on his head a young shining crescent I shall praise your feet of perfect beauty always with joy whenever my mind is satisfied.

without accepting as pre-eminent the falsehood preached by camaṇar who have no philosophical truths, and by buddhists.
it is a natural courses of action to cut at the root of birth if one worship`s Civaṉ who is the supreme pittaṉ and who is in tuṟutti which is surrounded by gardens where the swarms of bees rising high hum like tuttam which is one of seven notes of music.

with the help of the verses composed by campantaṉ who has on all sides the valuable tamiḻ in Kaḻumalam which is worshipped by ripe scholars to worship with love the great turutti of Civaṉ who holds aloft a banner on which the form of bull is drawn as all the faults leave them all good qualities will join them.

Moolavar : Uthavedeeswarar
Amman / Thayar : Arumbanna Vanamulai Nayaki
Thala Virutcham : Uddhala tree
Theertham : Padma, Sundara and Cauveri theerthams
Agamam / Pooja : Kameekam
Old year : 1000-2000 years old
Historical Name : Tiruthuruthi
City : Kuthalam
District : Nagapattinam

The temple is praised in the Thevaram hymns of Tirugnanasambandar. Thirumurai (2.98.5) Thirugnanasambandar mentioned what is the fault that I committed to you to make me born in this world and die?

The answer given in Thirukadaikappu (2.98.11) 

This is the 37th Shiva temple on the southern bank of Cauveri praised in Thevaram hymns.

Lord Shiva is a swayambumurthi in the temple. As a token of His wedding event in this place, Lord Shiva had left His Sandals (Padukas) and the Uddhala tree that accompanied Him from Mount Kailas to offer Him shadow on the way. The devotee can have the darshan of the Padukas in the temple.
Sivan Padugai

Mother Parvathi, Mother Kali, Sages Kashyapa, Angirasa, Gautama, Markandeya, Vasishta, Pulasthya and Agasthya had worshipped Lord Shiva in this temple.

One Rudrasanma was proceeding to Kasi for salvation.  Lord Shiva wanted to make him understand that this place itself was equal to Kasi.  He called Gundodhara to stop his journey taking the form of a serpent.  When Gundodhara intercepted his journey as a snake, Rudrasanma chanted the Garuda mantra.  The snake fell down fainted.  Lord Shiva came their as a snake charmer.  Rudrasanma understood who the charmer was.  He fell at Lord’s feet.  Lord told the devotee that his wish could be realized from this place itself.

Only those chanting the name of Lord Uthavedeeswarar are learned.  As Lord Shiva’s marriage took place here, any obstacle in wedding proposals would vanish if the devotee prays here.  Agni the God of Fire had a grievance.  Whatever he touched was destroyed.  He prayed to Lord and became a useful energy to people.

Mother Parvathi fell in love with Lord and was determined to have His hand.  To realize Her aim, She did not make parents her enemies.  She persuaded Lord Shiva to meet Her parents and seek their consent.  Lord, an abode of all noble traits, did so.  They were happily married with the consent of parents.   This is a lesson for modern lovers to follow without antagonizing parents of both sides.

Sage Bharatha desired to have Mother Parvathi his daughter and performed intense penance.  Lord made Her born to the sage from a Fire Pit – Homa Gunda.  She grew and attained the marriageable age.

As Her sole desire was to have Lord Shiva Her own Lord, she performed penance on the banks of Cauvery by making a Linga with sand.  She also found a Shivalinga there and was happy that Lord Shiva responded Her prayer.  Lord appeared from the Linga and took Parvathi by hand.  Mother requested the Lord to take Her with the consent of Her parents.  Lord too was happy at the suggestion.

After a while, Lord sent Nandhi to Parvathy’s parents according to the custom.  They were very happy at the offer.  The day too was fixed for the wedding.  Lord came to this place on His Nandhi the bull vehicle accompanied by the Uddhala tree to give shadow on the way.  Lord came to Kuthalam, had mother’s hand in marriage.  Remembering the event, Lord Shiva left His sandals (padukas) and the tree.
வீணை தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி

மூலவர் கோபுரம்

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