Sunday, February 24, 2013

The best way to get the best out of astrology is to learn astrology

Performance is a psychological and spiritual initiative, and not just an astrological expression of latent yogas. In my professional sessions, I always prefer to address the obvious with very objective models that can produce measurable results. When that argument is understood, then I offer my insights from the other side; the astrological and metaphysical. This gives my client a fuller view of the probable energies clouding over him and what he can probably do about managing things better.

Has the simple question been asked? Where did he screw up? Why did he screw up? Why does he keep on tripping over or stepping on people's toes or almost always missing out on things? Is he clear about his role, was he supplied the competency to deliver, were the right tools in hand? Were the targets realistic? These should be asked first before asking "I think Mercury was retrograde when that screw up started and the whole thing exploded when it went stationary two days later before going direct again the next few days". I remember how I used to do things contrary to what my thithi would indicate for my productivity on any particular day just to see the effects of my experiments. But I learnt a lot by taking on the universe. I didn't always succeed, though, but I was very happy making my conclusions. 

There is no single phase for a screw-up. If you decide to being comfortable as a screwball, then that "phase" will always be hanging over your head. Even during the best of dasas and gocharas, the screwball doesn't see the opportunities provided by the loving unvierse right in front of his nose; he fails to see it because his sights are on some lesser things, he then loses the privilege of taking on that opportunity, and one day asks why he didn't receive such good "luck" like others do. However, there are "windows" of vulnerability in every personal period just as there are windows of empowerment and alertness in every dark phase. The Yin-Yang philosophy of balance affirms this very well. So, astrology revelas the cycles, yes, but you are the one who needs to learn how to manage yourself during those cycles, in its different challenging terrains. 

Which is why I tell everyone not just to go to astrologers. The best way to get the best out of astrology is to learn astrology and apply it as a progressive and open experiment observing how you fit into your stellar journeys and how the stars fit in lighting your path. 

Back to technicalities; astrology is about latent yogas surfacing through different timeframes. Use the vimshottari dasa system to determine the personal cycles and do the tracking of the gocharas against the blueprint of your chart. See how events relate to the triggering of variables in your chart, and conversely, anticipate events to surface when you see gocharas coming in to strike some parts of your horoscope. I strongly suggest you move away from the dasa for a while, and re-habituate your gochara tracking. You will 
never regret taking on this recommendation.

Astro Vasthu - Sun or Mars in the 10th bhava offers success in one's career in the North

In a recent debate, it would appear that many modern vastu students do not possess a clear protocol for a clear path of analysis. In AstroVasthu, the protocol is established from the beginning roots of astrology.

Cardinal rule: You don't just go to a piece of land and start your vasthu works from there. Real Vasthu begins before you even consider where to go to sight the auspicious site. It is after that, before the acquisition of such land, that AV 'empwoerment' begins, and even then, all in reference to the potencies of the true owner/s' chart/s. 

AV opines that the site must be first considered from the horoscope that reveals the individual's 'provision' of intrinsic relationships. AV shows not only how specific 'spots' in a geometric structure or domain can be destructive or beneficial to certain individuals, but even in certain 'directions'. And these directions are always in
respect to his birth place; where he first appeared in the bosom of mother earth and father time. One of the most important ways to begin is given below, and considered to be very fundamental in astrology. Different directions make you lose certain things in life and gain in others. This truth supports the backbone metaphysical psychology of astrology where every individual is a small universe within himself while still maintaining an intrinsic link with the collective. That individual, with that link, has his own 'lines' and 'paths of least resistance'. 

One of the most revealing landmarks for 'auspicious alignment' is gleaned from the directional strengths present in the horoscope. Not every horoscope is graced with this, but any horoscope having it would be a clear indication of providence that should be used wisely. 

For instance, Sun or Mars in the 10th bhava offers success in one's career in the North, Moon or Venus in the 4th bhava offers success in the South in matters of the heart or property or education, Jupiter or Mercury in the 1st offers fortune and knowledge in the East, and Saturn in the 7th offers maturity and betterment in relationships an partnerships as the years go by in the West. These form the big template within which the antara-relationship of the navagraha and the panchatattwa cannot be seen without the support of an intricate and revealing astrology. As the lagna moves through the rasis every two hours, 12 times in a day, a fair share of the population will have a
significant number of directional strengths.  Consider the above first before anything else. 

Also, keep the following in mind:

1. Always use the true owner/owners's (finer definitions exist) horoscope/s as the final backdrop for all reference on matters of the house.

2. Always use the horoscope of 'first use' of the building as a residence/workplace as a vital auxiliary chart. 

3. The compatibility or incompatibility of (2) with (1) determines much of the potency of the experience in that building or not.

4. The probability of repair for betterment rests on the provisions between but especially in (1) and to a certain extent altered by the potencies of (2). 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Siva! You are the five elements - space, earth, wind, fire, and water

Thirumurai 8.5.15
O Siva! You are the five elements - space, earth, wind, fire, and water. You are the body and soul.
You are the truth and false / you are all things manifest and unmanifest. You are the lord. You make
every one dance and make them think 'I' and 'mine' (i.e. you are the puppeteer and the creations are
all puppets). I am at a loss for words as to how to praise you.

வானாகி மண்ணாகி வளியாகி
ஊனாகி உயிராகி உண்மையுமாய்
கோனாகி யான்எனதென் றவரவரைக்
வானாகி நின்றாயை என்சொல்லி

vAn Agi maN Agi vaLi Agi oLi Agi
Un Agi uyir Agi uNmaiyum Ay inmaiyum Ayk
kOn Agi yAn enadhu endRu avar avaraik kUththu AttuvAn Agi
nindRAyai en solli vAzhththuvanE.

How can I hail You and with what words?
Becoming heaven,
truth and falsity As also King of all,
a puppeteer,
ply Everyone making each of them think that it is he Who is the doer of things.

vAn = sky / space
Agi = are; having become;
maN = earth
vaLi = wind
oLi = light ( = in this context, Fire)
vAn Agi maN Agi vaLi Agi oLi Agi = You are the five elements Space, Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.
Un = body / flesh
uyir = life / soul
uNmaiyum = truth (or) That which is there) all things true / apparent
Ay ( = Agi) = are; having become;
inmaiyum  = false (or) that which is not apparent) all things false / not apparent
Un Agi uyir Agi uNmaiyum Ayinmaiyum Ayk = You are the body and soul. You are the truth and false. You are all things manifest and unmanifest.
kOn = king; lord;
yAn = I
enadhu = mine
endRu = saying/as
avar avaraik = everyone
kUththu Adu = drama / dance
kUththu AttuvAn = one who makes others dance
nindRAyai = You are
kOn Agi yAn enadhu endRu avar avaraik kUththu AttuvAn Agi nindRAyai = You are the lord. You make every one dance and make them think 'I' and 'mine'.
en = what
solli = saying
vAzhththuvanE = I will praise
en solli vAzhththuvanE = What can I say in praise of you? ( = I am at a loss for words as to how to praise you).

I hurry along towards my death (doing nothing useful in process)

Thirumurai 8.5.14

O Siva, who is reached by knowledge! O Siva, who is the lord of devas! I do not seem to do anything
to reach you. I do not yearn for you. I do not melt with love for you. I do not worship by making and
offering garlands. I do not praise you. I do not sweep your temple. I do not wash the temple floor
(with cow dung). I do not dance in joy with love for you. I simply hurry along towards my death
(doing nothing useful in the process).

Am ARu un thiruvadikkE agam kuzhaiyEn anbu urugEn
pU mAlai punaindhu EththEn pugazhndhu uraiyEn puththELir
kOmAn nin thiruk kOyil thUgEn mezhugEn kUththu AdEn
sAm ARE viraigindREn sadhurAlE sArvAnE.

Am ( = Agum) = to achieve; to accomplish;
ARu = in order to; like;
Am ARu = in order to reach you
agam = mind
kuzhaiyEn = I do not yearn
agam kuzhaiyEn = my heart does not yearn
anbu = love
urugEn = I do not melt
anbu urugEn = I do not melt with love
pU = flower
mAlai = garland
punaindhu = to stitch together
EththEn = I do not worship
pU mAlai punaindhu EththEn = I do not worship by making and offering garlands
pugazhndhu = praising
uraiyEn = I do not speak
pugazhndhu uraiyEn = I do not praise you
puththELir = devas
kOmAn = lord
puththELir kOmAn = O Lord of devas!
nin = your
thiru = holy
kOyil = temple
thUgEn = I do not sweep (the floor)
mezhugEn = I do not wash the floor (with cow dung)
nin thiruk kOyil thUgEn mezhugEn = I do not perform any service, such as sweeping or washing the floors, in your temple.
kUththu = dance
AdEn = I do not dance
kUththu AdEn =  I do not dance in joy with love for god
sAm = dying
ARE = in order to; like;
viraigindREn = I hurry
sAm ARE viraigindREn = I hurry along towards my death (doing nothing useful in the process)
sadhurAlE(sadhur = thiRamai) = by yoga / by knowledge
sArvAnE one = who is reached
sadhurAlE sArvAnE = O the one who is reached by
yoga/knowledge! = O siva!

Pretending to be your devotee

Thirumurai 8.5.11

O Siva! I hurry greatly to sneak inside your abode by hiding in the midst (of devotees) by pretending
to be one of your devotees. My lord, please grant that my mind will melt with unremitting love for

nAdagaththAl unadiyAr pOl nadiththu
nAn naduvE vIduagaththE pugundhiduvAn migapperidhum viraigindREn
Adagac cIr maNikkundRE
idai aRA anbu unakku en Udu agaththE nindRu urugaththandharuL emudaiyAnE

nAdagaththAl unadiyAr pOl nadiththu = pretending to be your devotee
nAn = I
naduvE = in the middle
vIdu  = god's abode
agaththE = inside
pugundhiduvAn = one who enters
miga = very
peridhum = greatly
viraigindREn = I hurry
Adagam = gold
sIr  = beautiful
maNi = gem
kundRu = hill
Adagac = cIr
maNikkundRE = O golden hill of gem! ( = O Siva!)
idai = gap; in between;
aRA = without
anbu = love
unakku = for you
en = my
Udu (=uL) = inside
agaththE (nenjjil) =  in mind;
nindRu (= irundhu) = to have
urugath = to melt
thandharuL = please grant;
em = my
udaiyAnE = lord

What is the benefit we get from this body ?

Appar Peruman gives the answer what is the benefit we get from this body (head, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, mind, hands and legs)

Thirumurai 4.9 - Thiru Angamaalai head,
Siva having adorned his head with garland of skulls, you bow down to the chief who collects alms in a skull.
my head, you bow down to Siva eyes,
having a vision of Siva who has neck that consumed poison that rose in the sea (Thiruneelakandam)
have a vision of the master who dances standing and swinging the eight shoulders (Nadarajar)
my eyes, having a vision

3. my ears,
hear the abilities and attributes of Siva, our master, who has a body color of which is like the red coral and fire.
hear my ears.

4. my nose,
make a sound about the Lord who has three eyes and dwells in the cremation ground which is the oldest; He is Ishwaran.
my nose, make a sound

5. my tongue,
sing songs of benediction about the master who dances in the cremation ground where peys live, having covered himself with the skin of an elephant
my tongue, sing songs

6. my mind,
you meditate upon the spotless Siva who has an erect and murky sadai
meditate on the husband of the daughter of the mountain on which the clouds move as if dancing.
my mind, you meditate

7. my hands,
you worships with your hands joined by scattering fragrant big flowers.
the supreme Siva who has tied in his waist a cobra which has a hood in its head.
my hands, you worships

8.what is the benefit we get from this body?
going from left to right round the temple of Aran.
what is the benefit we get from this body when we do not say you protect me
showering flowers with the hands, at his feet.
what is the benefit we get from this body ?

9.what is the use of the legs ?
what is the use of the legs when we do not go round the temple Kokaranam of beautiful towers
which is the temple where Lord with neck which has poison, dwells.
what is the use of the legs ?

10. are they any other intimate relatives
except the dancer who dwells in Kutralam when the god of death walks away taking our lives
are they any other intimate relatives

11. having reached the red feet of Siva
who holds a young deer, being counted among the hosts of bhutam and pey belonging
to Siva, shall I feel exulted ?
having reached the red feet of Siva

12. I searched within myself and realised
the god who could not be searched by Vishnu and Brahma though they
tried their level best to search and find Him out.
I searched within myself and realised

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Astrologer's Mark: Effectiveness

Is astrological use directed only by people’s curiosity? Or does astrology continue due to a deeper need in the human psyche? If so, what does the earnest astrology student do to prepare himself to meet with society’s expectation of his knowledge and skill? This article reveals one essential approach.

While certain practices mature and get deeper with prolonged practice, there will be aspects within that same practice that would deteriorate or get neglected from the original understanding or psychology. This has happened with astrology after aeons of practice by diverse practitioners. As it is, most people don’t know why they go to astrologers. Worse, most astrologers are equally caught in the same warp, giving a service that doesn’t make either one grow, let alone contribute to technical astrological advancement.

Most people go to astrologers believing the following:

  1. astrologers are able to “see” the future

Astrologers only get to see the future as clearly as the supplied birth data are reliable. Many people are careless about this. Coming to the astrologer with a careless and off-the-cuff, “…was born somewhere in the afternoon” is just not good enough. People have to be educated about this and an initiative be made to prepare people before they come with misconceptions about what the good astrologer may offer. Prepare a small literature to this effect, or make a small note about it behind your astrology business card if you ever reach this point: your astrological work can only be as reliable as the given birth data. Every good astrologer is particular about the quality of the data that he receives to work on: the birth date, birth time, and birth place. The birth time is probably the biggest problem for most people. Always be suspicious of the data you receive from the outset. Ask if the time is verifiable by relations, even if it was the time noted on the birth certificate. As for birth place, make sure it may be found on the map. If not, ask how far it is from the closest town on the map because you need the latitude and longitude of the birth place as accurately as possible as well. While palmistry is an excellent partner to astrology, it is not astrology. If you’re doing real astrology, stick to the model that is astrology. For instance, the hands, the face, one’s mannerisms are all means of rectifying the reliability of the chart. However, I recommend that you only include other models to empower your astrology once you mature with your skills.

  1. astrologers therefore make predictions about what’s going to happen
Most people are not aware that it is not always that astrologers offer predictions. There are many times when they just offer a better understanding of what’s going on in the person’s life. Good astrologers don’t hurry into predictions unless they are extremely sure of the premises behind the issues they are reading in the chart. There’s normally a lot of interpretation and reading to do before the good astrologer dispenses with his “predictions”. In the horoscope, there are no convenient columns to read the past, present, or future. It just displays a bunch of symbols that reveal what’s “inside” the person. These things exist as “potential events” in the person’s life until when they surface according to some triggering variables. These triggers may be determined beforehand. This is the part that most people relate to, and tend to believe is the ultimate purpose and offering of the astrologer.
  1. knowing these predictions helps to avert forthcoming disasters and reduces anxiety

Theoretically, yes; but not always. More commonly, people tend to go home and wait for the predictions to materialize. If the prediction is positive, they hope the astrologer is accurate and wait for it to happen anxiously. If the prediction is negative, most would wait for it with fear and hope that it would not happen. Either way, they would come to the astrologer again for “another set” of predictions. People only get to avert disasters and empower their potentials with astrology when the astrologer is equipped with counseling skills to guide the individual into self-realization and renewed fulfillment. Most astrologers are not equipped with this as many are still caught up in the misconceptions of the people who use their services and trying hard to fulfill those expectations.
It is therefore important for the astrologer to realize that there are issues outside of his technical reading skills that are equally important if not more so. And one of the most important is to know why people come to make use of the astrologer’s skill? The answer is simple. People need solutions. They may not be able to voice it in precise terms, but they need solutions. They concentrate on their material issues, but what they need is insight to the essentials behind their physical experiences. Whether they need to find out when they’re going to strike a lottery, when they’re going to find their soul mate, when they’re going to travel overseas, when they’d find happiness; what they want is guidance to lead them to the better management or understanding of the essentials behind their experiences. They are just too caught up with their living, the words come out filtered only through the terms that they see and understand. And this is what the good astrologer should know in order for his practice to be of real value to others. It’s about the effectiveness of the astrological session towards providing better self-knowledge and management skill over responses to life events.

To approach this, the astrologer should have a good practice with well defined policies as to what he should or should not want to do when people consult. He must know the parameters within which he should want to contain himself, and what provisions he wants to set up in order to go beyond his own policies to help others. These guidelines to better practice must become a part of the good astrologer’s practice, and his counseling skills based on astrology’s own metaphysical psychology will together give the kind of effectiveness every person will need to bring them closer to their unique solutions at that moment in their lives.

In summary, people generally don’t know what they want from astrologers, and astrologers themselves in general, are trying too hard to please the misconceptions of the general populace. The good astrologer should have a good practice based on sound spiritual principles and astrological psychology to provide what he should provide, rather than to provide people what they think they need. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thiruvannamalai Sirappu

Thiruvaarooril Pirathal Mukthi
Kasiyil Iranthal Mukthi
Sithambarathil Tarisithal Mukthi
Kachiyil Nadathal Mukthi
Thiruvannamalaiyil Ninaithalle Mukthi

Thillaiyai kaana, kasiyil iraka
Sirakkum Ar Urthanil Piraka
Yellaiyil perumai arunaiyai ninaika
Yeithalam mukthi endru uraithir

-Arunasala Puranam

Kretha Yugam - Neruppu Malai (Mount of Fire)
Tretha Yugam -  Manikkam Malai (Mount of Ruby)
Dvapara Yugam - Ponn Malai (Mount of Gold)
Kali Yugam - Kallu Malai

8 Thisaigal Vazhipadum  Theivangal

East - Kizhakku Thisai - Arkamalai - Indran Vazhipaduvaar
West - Meerku Thisai - Thanmalai - Varuna Bagavan Vazhipaduvaar
North - Vada Thisai - Sula Malai - Kuberan Vazhipaduvaar
South - Therku Thisai - Theiva malai - Yaman Vazhipaduvaar
North East - Vada Kizhakku - Vayu
North West - Vada Meerku  - Agni
South East - Then Kizhakku - Esanan
South West - Then Meerku - Niruthi

Height of Annamalai Hill = 2665 ft
Area = 13 km, 8 miles
Temperature ranges from maximum 40 Celsius to a minimum 20 Celsius

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Siva - The First Cause, as The Supreme Being

Thirumurai 7.48

Paadal 1

NatRavA! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Natravan - Embodiment of all religious austerities

Paadal 2
NattavA! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Nattavan - Friend

Paadal 3
NAvalA! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Navalan - Exponent of Vedas

Paadal 4
VallavA! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Vallavan - Lord of Infinite fame

Paadal 5
Na~njju aNi kaNda! nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Nanjju Ani Kanda - Poison-adorned dark throated one (Thiruneelakandam)

Paadal 6
CEdanE! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Sedan - The Great One

Paadal 7
VirumbanE! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Virumban - The Loved One

Paadal 8
NambanE! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Namban - The One who is Desirable or The One who Loves

Paadal 9
KAraNA! unai nAn maRakkinum sollum nA namaccivAyavE.

Karanan - One who is the first cause, as the Supreme being

Paadal 10
nANanaith thoNdan Uran sol ivai solluvArkku illai thunbamE.

Those who sing these songs will be free from suffering.